Series of breakthroughs in Theranostic Nanomedicine for Cancer Made by Prof. Shi Xiangyang's Team


The research team headed by Prof. Shi Xiangyang at the College of Biological Science and Medical Engineering has achieved a series of significant research results on the theranostic nanomedicine for cancer.

The team, based on a microfluidic synthesis approach, prepared FDPC NCs coated with polydopamine, loaded with the cisplatin and further camouflaged with cancer cell membranes(CCMs) for tumor tri-mode photothermo-chemo-chemodynamic therapy by dynamic tumor microenvironment (TME)-responsive MR imaging(Fig.1). The research paper,  Microfluidic synthesis of intelligent nanoclusters of ultrasmall iron oxide nanoparticles with improved tumor microenvironment regulation for dynamic MR imaging-guided tumor photothermo-chemo-chemodynamic therapy, was published in Nano Today. Yang Rui, a doctoral student, is the first author, and Prof. Shi is the corresponding author.


The research sheds light on the controllable preparation of high-quality nanomedicinesand precision tumor theranostics.

To further investigate the advantages of combination therapy with immune checkpoint blockade(ICB), the team has designed a redox-responsive nanomedicine formulation based on phosphorus dendrimer-copper(II) complexes (1G3-Cu)- and toyocamycin (Toy)-loaded polymeric nanoparticles (GCT NPs) for chemotherapy-potentiated tumor immunotherapy(Fig.2). The paper titled "Biomimetic Polymeric Nanoparticle-Mediated Chemotherapy Potentiates Enhanced Tumor Immunotherapy via Amplification of Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress and Mitochondrial Dysfunction" was published inAdvanced Materials. Guo Yunqi and Fan Yu,  two doctoral students, are the co-first authors, and Prof. Shi and Shen Mingwu are the co-corresponding authors.

(Fig. 2)

The GCT@CM NPs prepared by the team provide insights into the chemotherapy-potentiated tumor immunotherapy through different mechanisms or synergies.

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