Researcher Chu Lingling’s research team from the Center for Advanced Low-dimension Materials made progress in a visible-light-promoted photoredox/nickel protocol for the enantioselective three-component carboarylation of alkenes with tertiary and secondary alkyltrifluoroborates and aryl bromides. The related result was published on J. Am. Chem. Soc., a famous international journal, under the title of “General Method for Enantioselective Three-Component Carboarylation of Alkenes Enabled by Visible-Light Dual Photoredox/Nickel Catalysis”.The doctoral student Guo Lei of Donghua University and the doctoral student Mingbin Yuan of University of Maryland are the co-first authors, and Researcher Chulingling and Associate Professor Osvaldo Gutierrez are co corresponding authors.
Enantioselective, three-component 1,2-alkylarylation of alkenes enabled by dual photoredox/nickel catalysis
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