【Lecture】Mini Workshop on BOUT++ simulation


主题:   Mini Workshop on BOUT++ simulation主讲人:   徐学桥等地点:   松江校区2号学院楼454会议室时间:   2019-10-07 09:00:00组织单位:   磁约束核聚变教育部中心(东华大学)


Dr. Xueqiao Xu,get his MS. andPh.D degree from Institute ofPlasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China and University of Texas atAustin, TX, United States in 1984 and 1990 respectively. Now he is a Physicistof Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, jointly Guest professor of Physics,Peking University. LLNL Principal Investigator, SciDac project on Tokamak Disruption Simulations. Principal Investigator, International Collaboration Project on BOUT++ . He is a theoretical and computational plasma physicist with general interests in plasma physics, and parallel computing. Specific plasmaphysics experience: particle simulations, continuum simulations, gyro-fluid simulations, fluid simulations, linear and nonlinear theory ofmicro-instabilities, turbulence, transport, and boundary plasma physics.Specific achievements include: (1) Developed the BOUT two-fluid edge turbulencecode; (2) Co-developed the BOUT++ code with University of York; (3) Leadphysics developer for 5D continuum edge gyrokinetic code TEMPEST; (4)Co-invented new Monte Carlo scheme for usual gyro-kinetic particle-in-cellplasma micro-turbulence simulations for modeling Coulomb collisions. 


The aim of the workshop is to provide a comprehensiveintroduction of boundary plasma physics, and computational modelling with anemphasis on fusion plasmas. The critical challenge for fusion development nowadays is how to keep the tokamak core hot and meanwhile the plasma facing components ‘cold’, separating by an extremely narrow boundary plasma region.This lecture will address rising interest in these areas and will in part introduce the breadth and depth of the subject including edge plasma physics,the scrape-off layer physics, plasma-surface interactions in fusion edgeplasmas, and modeling of the plasma edge and materials. The detail arrangement listed in the appendix.

Agenda of Mini-Workshop on BOUT++ simulation


Location:Room 457, No.2 college Building





 Xueqiao Xu


Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Latest developments in BOUT++ boundary plasma simulations


 Fangchuan Zhong


Donghua University

The dynamics of ELM filaments in EAST



Nami Li

Dalian University of Technology

Simulations of radial electric field and divertor heat flux width,  

2:00-2:30 pm

 Li Li


Donghua University

Toroidal modelling of Plasmas response to 3D field in tokamak plasma

2:30-3:00 pm

Zhuang Liu

Dalian University of Technology

 Modelling of Nano-meter scale dust grains in Tokamak,

3:00-3:30 pm

 Chengran Du


Donghua University

 Progress of dusty plasma study in Donghua Univ.

3:30-4:00 pm