【Lecture】Hypocoercivity based local sensitivity analysis for multiscale kinetic equations with uncertainties


主题:   Hypocoercivity based local sensitivity analysis for multiscale kinetic equations with uncertainties主讲人:   金石地点:   松江校区2号学院楼331理学院报告厅时间:   2019-09-26 15:30:00组织单位:   理学院




Hypocoercivity based analysis is apowerful tool for kinetic equations which allows one to understand theregularity and long-time behavior of both linear and nonlinear kineticequations, despite that kinetic operators are degenerately dissipative. Weextend such analysis to linear and nonlinear kinetic equations with random uncertaintiesin initial data or collisional kernels, which allows us to establishregularity, local sensitivity with respect to uncertain random parameters, andlong-time exponential decay of the solution toward the global equilibrium inthe random space, as well as spectral convergence and long-time error decay ofthe polynomial chaosbased stochastic Galerkin methods, a popular method usedfor uncertainty quantification.

