【Lecture】3D Printing of Functional Nanomaterials for Electronic and Photonic Applications


主题:   3D Printing of Functional Nanomaterials for Electronic and Photonic Applications 主讲人:   周南嘉地点:   松江校区第二教学楼(松2110)时间:   2019-09-18 10:00:00组织单位:   化学化工与生物工程学院


周南嘉,博士毕业于美国西北大学,师从于美国科学院工程院两院院士,国家科学奖得主Tobin  J. Marks教授。随后加入哈佛大学美国科学院工程院两院院士Jennifer A.  Lewis教授课题组担任荣誉博士后,曾任新加坡国立大学助理教授,2018年9月全职加入西湖大学工学院担任研究员,浙江省3D微纳加工与表征重点实验室副主任。课题组主要从事3D打印多功能新材料及工艺理论的交叉学科研究。在国内率先开展了微纳米级精度3D直写打印墨水的研究,开发了一系列针对电子器件打印的墨水,提出了微纳米级精度3D多材料集成化打印的新方法,实现了3D打印技术在电子器件与电路、光学结构、能源器件、微型机器人和生物芯片中的应用。相关成果获得2015年国际材料协会最佳博士生奖,卡米尔和亨利德雷福斯基金会荣誉博士后奖(全美八位获奖者之一),部分自主知识产权获中国、美国专利授权等。已发表论文40余篇,引用超过3500次。


Additive  manufacturing (AM) possesses tremendous potentials and virtually  unlimited opportunities for both fundamental and applied research on the  synthesis, properties, and processing of materials at multiple length  scales. Harnessing the ability to digitally program and tailor material  compositions, orientations, and hence properties at the microscales, AM  technologies such as direct ink writing enables the programmable  assembly of functional nanomaterials into complex 3D geometries for  novel device applications. In this talk, I will cover the design of  nanomaterials and composite ink systems for electronic and photonic  applications, and the use of AM technologies as a fundamentally  different approach to pattern nanomaterials into mesoscale complex  hierarchical architectures. I will demonstrate the new applications of  AM in radiofrequency (RF) electronics, photonic displays, and  bioelectronic chips. Finally, I will highlight several directions my  research group is working on including 3D printed electronics,  photonics, soft robots and biosensors.
