【Lecture】Nanotube Arrays of Transition Metal Compound for Electrochemical Energy Storage and Conversion


主题:  Nanotube Arrays of Transition Metal Compound for Electrochemical Energy Storage and Conversion主讲人:  黄海涛地点:  松江校区图文信息大楼第二会议室时间:  2019-06-28 09:00:00组织单位:   环境学院纤维材料改性国家重点实验室

主讲人简介:黄海涛博士,香港理工大学应用物理系终身教授。1990年毕业于上海交通大学,获应用物理和应用数学双学士学位。之后师从著名“两弹一星”元勋吴自良院士攻读硕士,于1993年获中科院上海冶金研究所(现微系统所)材料物理硕士学位。2000年获新加坡南洋理工大学材料科学博士学位。于2004年加入香港理工大学应用物理系,列任讲师、助理教授、副教授和教授。长期从事电介质材料和新型低维纳米结构新能源材料的制备、性能表征及物理机制研究。至今发表包括Nature Photonics, Nature Communications, Journal of the American Chemical Society, Energy & Environment Science, Advanced Materials, Joule和, Chem等国际著名学术期刊论文200多篇,其中影响因子>10的论文50余篇,被引近8000次,H因子51。

内容摘要:One-dimensional nanotube arrays (NTAs) are widely used in electrochemical energy storage and conversion devices due to the efficient vectorial electron transport and short ion diffusion pathways. In this talk, I will show two examples of TM@TM oxide/hydroxide (TM: transition metal) core-shell structured NTAs for applications in supercapacitors and oxygen evolution reaction (OER). (1) Ni-Co@Ni-Co layered double hydroxide NTA was used as a supercapacitor electrode and a high capacitance of 2200 F×g−1 at a current density of 5 A×g−1 was achieved, while 98.8% of its initial capacitance was retained after 5000 cycles. A highly flexible all-solid-state battery-type supercapacitor was further fabricated based on the core-shell electrode. (2) NiCo@NiCoO (inverse spinel) NTA was electrodeposited on carbon fiber cloth. Doping of Fe into the binary NiCo inverse spinel lattice can modulate the 3d electronic structure by preferential occupancy on the Ni/Co tetrahedral sites. The electrocatalytic activity of OER was significantly improved. With optimized composition, the core-shell electrode showed an ultralow overpotential of 201 mV cm-2 at 10 mA cm-2 and a small Tafel slope of 39 mV dec-1 in 1 mol L-1 KOH solutio.

报告主持:乔锦丽 教授