【Lecture】The effect of low temperature laundering on the survival of microorganism on textiles used in healthcare uniforms


主题:    The effect of low temperature laundering on the survival  of microorganism on textiles used in health主讲人:   沈劲松地点:   延安路校区第三教学楼八楼会议室时间:   2017-09-19 10:00:00组织单位:   服装与艺术设计学院




There is an extensive range of surface active agents or surfactants  available. Surfactants are widely used across different industries. A detergent  contains one or more surfactants formulated with other components to enhance  detergency for the removal of soil substances from textiles and reduce soil  redeposition. Laundry detergents are complex formulations incorporating a range  of functional ingredients that may include surfactants, buffers, chelating  agents, enzymes, polymers, fragrances and optical brighteners. The presentation  will provide an explanation of surfactants and detergency for soil removal  during garments or textiles laundering, followed by a case study on “The effect  of low temperature laundering on the survival of microorganism on textiles used  in healthcare uniforms”.