Academician Zhu Meifang Elected as the Sole Vice President of the Fiber Society of the US
post date: 2024-01-18 counts: 289

Recently, Academician Zhu Meifang, director of the State Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, was elected as the only Vice Chairman of the Fiber Society in the United States. And the Chairman of the Society is Professor Caroline L. Schauer from Drexel University in the United States.

The Fiber Society is a non-profit professional and scientific association, established in the early 1940s by Dr. K. L. Hertel, Head of the Physics Major at the University of Tennessee, along with a group of physicists engaged in fiber materials and textile research. The Society is dedicated to advancing knowledge related to fibers, fiber products, and fiber materials. In line with its founding principles, the Society holds two international conferences annually, with one being held within the United States and the other overseas, to facilitate global exchange. The chairman and vice chairman of the Society are elected by all members through a nomination process during the annual meeting. The Society is an international organization with members of chemists, physicists, engineers, and designers from around the world who are interested in fiber science, engineering, and technology.