A delegation from Concordia University of Edmonton, Canada Visited Donghua University
post date: 2023-12-18 counts: 64

On December 13th, Vice President Zhao Zhen met with Carmen Arth, Vice President of Concordia University of Edmonton (CUE) from Canada, at the Yan’an Road Campus. Also in attendance were Fang Xinxin, Director of the International Office and Director of the Chinese Language and Culture Center at CUE. Yang Shengyuan, Associate Director of International Cooperation Office at our university, Lu Zhou, Director of the Chinese Language Center at the International Cultural Exchange School, and He Qian, Head of the International Student Admissions Office, also attended the meeting.

Vice President Zhao Zhen warmly welcomed the visit of Carmen Arth and the delegation. He provided a brief introduction to our university’s history, disciplinary offerings and features, faculty team, talent cultivation, and international cooperation and exchange. He particularly highlighted our university’s programs for international student and expressed the hope that the two universities could further enrich cooperation and promote shared development in multiple fields based on the existing cooperation.

Carmen Arth expressed her gratitude for the warm reception at our university. She commended the achievements in our university’s disciplinary development and international student education. She also provided an overview of the history, disciplinary strength, and accomplishments of Concordia University of Edmonton. Carmen Arth extended her hope that the two universities could further explore the potential for cooperation and expand collaboration in various forms.

The participants exchanged ideas in various aspects of student exchange, faculty visits, research collaboration, and sports and cultural exchanges. After the meeting, Carmen Arth and her delegation paid a visit to our International Student Office and the Chinese Language Center at the International Cultural Exchange School.

Concordia University of Edmonton, Canada and Donghua University signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and an exchange agreement in 2018 to formally establish an inter-university partnership. In December 2021, in celebration of the Beijing Winter Olympics as well as the 20th anniversary of the Chinese Language Bridge, the two universities jointly hosted a two-week online winter camp program featuring sports that was participated by more than 70 students from both sides.