DHU Establish Elite Engineering School
post date: 2023-10-13 counts: 62

On October 11, DHU held the establishment ceremony of the Elite Engineering School. The event was attended byLiu Chenggong, the Secretary of the Party Committee of DHU, Yu Jianyong, the President of DHU, Cui Yunhua, Wang Yunjun, and Xiang Yanxun, the Deputy Secretaries of the Party Committee of DHU, Chen Ge and Li Wei, Vice Presidents of DHU. The ceremony was presided over by Chen Ge.

During the ceremony, Sun Zhenrong and Yu Jianyong jointly inaugurated the Elite Engineering School. A total of 28 institutions were appointed as the first council members of the Elite Engineering School.

Following the inaugural ceremony, the first council meeting of the Elite Engineering School was convened. During the meeting, the “Constitution of the Council of the Elite Engineering School at DHU” was reviewed and approved, and DHU was appointed as the governing unit of the council.

The Elite Engineering School at DHU is dedicated to the cultivation of graduate engineering talents and technological innovation, with a focus on addressing the talent and technology demands in five key areas: advanced materials, green and low-carbon technologies, artificial intelligence, life and health sciences, and high-end equipment. In the upcoming phase, the Schoolwill endeavor to closely link talent cultivation with education, industry, and innovation, with the aim of nurturing substantial innovative and exceptional engineering professionals.