“Belt and Road” Cooperation: DHU Moments
post date: 2023-10-02 counts: 59

On October 18, 2023, the Third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation commenced its proceedings. Over the course of a decade, spanning from 2013 to 2023, China has inked cooperation agreements for the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) with more than 150 nations and over 30 international organizations from Asia and Europe to Africa and Latin America. Throughout the past decade, DHU, leveraging its profound academic expertise and global perspective, ardently engaged in international collaboration with the BRI.

DHU closely focuses on talent cultivation in the textile industry, building international platforms, conducting research on BRI cooperation, and promoting cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries. In addition, the university has established extensive cooperative relationships with universities and research institutions in many countries and regions around the world, forming a complete network of international exchange and cooperation.

DHU actively enrolls and cultivates international students, providing them with a platform for learning and growing. Currently, the university has 1,614 international students from 87 countries participating in the BRI. They have gained rich academic and life experience at DHU while also making positive contributions to the implementation of the BRI. The university has cooperated with Moi University in Kenya to develop talents, integrate Chinese language teaching into higher education curricula, respond to local industry development needs, and establish professional courses from disciplines with strong backgrounds as well as an education quality index system.

(The DHU Classroom Where Teaching Benefits Teacher and Student Alike)

(“The Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road”

Advanced Seminars for Textile Industry International Cooperation in Production Capacity)

In addition, DHU actively builds an international talent training platform and plays a fundamental and leading role in education in jointly building the BRI. Through various forms of international conferences, high-level talent scientific and technological innovation events, seminars for textile courses, etc., DHU provides a learning and exchanging platform for high-level talents in the global textile and related fields.

This year marks the fifth anniversary of the establishment of Belt and Road World Textile University Alliance. The alliance was initiated by DHU in 2018, in collaboration with universities around the world with textile characteristics, as an unincoporated academic group with a total of 37 member universities from 19 countries participating in it. As the initiator and important member of the alliance, DHU actively promotes its development and has made positive contributions to promoting international exchanges and cooperation in textile technology.

(Belt and Road World Textile University AllianceWas Established in DHU in 2018)

(The 8th International Cultural Festival Held by DHU)

Over the years, DHU has continuously deepened people-to-people exchanges between China and foreign countries in fields such as art, sports, and culture. Standing at a new historical juncture, DHU will continue to gather wisdom and strength to help promote the high-quality development of Belt and Road cooperation.