Advanced Fiber Materials of DHU Continues to Grow in Influence
post date: 2023-07-05 counts: 93

On June 28th, Clarivate Analytics released the Journal Citation Reports (JCR), revealing that Advanced Fiber Materials has experienced a consistent and steady increase in its impact factor. It has risen from 12.958 (as of June 2022) to 16.1, representing a remarkable 24% growth. The journal now ranks among the top 6% of the JCR MaterialsScience, Multidisciplinary, and is in the Q1. Additionally, it maintains its position as the leading journal in JCR Materials Science, Textiles.

Advanced Fiber Materials is an international, interdisciplinary, high-quality academic journal that focuses on publishing cutting-edge research and interdisciplinary applications in the field of fiber materials. The journal isinitiated by the College of Materials Science and Engineering (CMSE) at DHU and the State Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials (SKLFPM), co-sponsored by Donghua University and the Chinese Materials Research Society (C-MRS), and published worldwide by Springer Nature.

The Development History of Advanced Fiber Materials