Exhibition of DHU’s 10th Intangible Cultural Heritage Workshop Outcomes Held
post date: 2023-06-15 counts: 58

On June 10, an exhibition of works created inDHU’s 10thIntangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) Workshop was held inYanan Road Campus. Twenty-two pieces of innovative fashion clothing with ICH elementsdesigned by inheritors of embroidery from China’s Guizhou Province and university students at home and abroad were unveiled in the runaway show.

DHU’s ICH workshops feature the collaboration on attire designing among ICH inheritors, Chinese and overseas university students, through which tradition and modern converges, and Chinese and international culture complement each other. In the 10th workshop, 11 participants are design students at Korea’s Hanyang University and Keimyung University. The workshop connected ICH with the young generation of designers, who have a huge potential to invigorate ICH in today’s modern world.

About 300 products and clothes were showcased in the static exhibition, including the traditional ethnic clothes brought by the ICH inheritors from Guizhou Province and their improved versions and cultural and creative products the inheritors designed under the guidance of the workshop mentors. The traditional clothes and modern designs blended perfectly in the exhibition.