Delegation from the University of California, Riverside Visited DHU
post date: 2023-04-19 counts: 216

On the afternoon of April 13, Vice President Li Wei met on Songjiang Campus with Jun Wang, Assistant Provost of the University of California, Riverside, and his delegation, which included International Program Specialist Deng Jiaxin. The heads of the International Cooperation Office, the College of Materials Science and Engineering, the College of Environmental Science and Engineering, the College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, the College of Humanities, and the College of Foreign Languages of Donghua University (DHU) also attended the meeting.

Li Wei welcomed the delegation and gave a comprehensive introduction to DHU's achievements in talent training, discipline development, and international cooperation in recent years, and reviewed the partnership with the University of California, Riverside. She also expressed the wish for the two universities to build a broader, more intense and in-depth partnership in the fields of student exchange, scientific research and industrial cooperation.

Wang Jun said that UC Riverside attaches great importance to the partnership with DHU, and that he looks forward to enhancing the partnership in the future. He hopes that in the context of Sino-US cultural exchanges, the two partners can establish a working mechanism for exchanges to carry out sustainable, long-term and comprehensive cooperation on the basis of the current partnership. The participants conducted in-depth discussions on student training, faculty and student exchange, and research cooperation.

After the meeting, Deng Jiaxin hosted a program presentation for the students on Songjiang Campus, and answered the students' questions one by one in detail.