【DHU Friday Talks】Replies to Most Frequently Asked Questions on Degree Study Application
post date: 2023-01-12 counts: 503

Each Friday afternoon from last December, we met online @ DHU Friday Talks. 

In the past 5 consecutive sessions, we have introduced the programs, applications, and entrance scholarship opportunities for applying for doctoral, master's, or undergraduate study in the 2023 intake, and replied to a lot of enquiries and questions.

On January 13, the 10 most frequent questions in the past five sessions, replies, and relevant guidance will be shared. Welcome to join this last session before the Chinese New Year - the Spring Festival.

【Platform】ZOOM Meeting

【Meeting ID】207 645 1783


More Vedios:

Info Session on Undergraduate Programs & Scholarships Application: https://www.facebook.com/donghuauni/videos/525798842852143


Info Session on Master's Programs & Scholarships Application: https://www.facebook.com/donghuauni/videos/879990873422145


Info Session on Doctoral Programs & Scholarships Application: https://www.facebook.com/donghuauni/videos/597240422162187


About DHU Friday Talks:
