International Top-level Forum on Engineering Science and Technology Development Strategy- Green Development of China's Textile Industry Held in Donghua University
post date: 2022-11-17 counts: 86

On November 11, the International Top-level Forum on Engineering Science and Technology Development Strategy- Green Development of China's Textile Industry Held in Donghua University was held successfully. Sponsored by the Chinese Academy of Engineering and the China National Textile and Apparel Council and co-organized by Donghua University, the Environment & Light and Textile Industries Engineering Division of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and the Textile Industry Science and Technology Development Center, this forum aims to deploy and promote the green and low-carbon development of the textile industry with a global vision and overall mindset, put into practice the concept of "lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets" in depth, give play to the key supporting role of technological innovation in driving green and low-carbon development, discuss together the industry's green and low-carbon innovation path, and jointly build a sustainable future for the industry.

The forum was held simultaneously online and offline. Aside from 32 sub-venues offline, the whole forum was broadcasted live through the "CKCEST Platform", attracted nearly 10,000 participants inside and outside the industry. At the forum, 10 well-known academicians and experts at home and abroad made keynote reports on "Green Development of the Textile Industry". Yu Jianyong, President of Donghua University and Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, noted in his concluding speech that this forum unveiled the key technical roadmap for the green and low-carbon development of the textile industry, which will play an important role in fostering green and low-carbon textile in the future. He said that to be green and low-carbon is the direction and only path for the development of the textile industry. He also expressed his expectation to work together with all parties inside and outside the industry to continuously improve the overall development level of green and low-carbon technology in the textile industry and achieve a higher level and more sustainable development of the textile industry.

 (Scene of the forum)