The Opening Ceremony Grandly Held for 2021 DHU Freshmen
post date: 2021-09-30 counts: 624

On 17 September, the opening ceremony for 2021 Donghua University students was held in the East Stadium of Songjiang Campus. 3680 undergraduate freshmen, 3052 postgraduates and 136 international freshmen attended the first day in their campus life and started a new journey together.

Yu Jianyong, President and Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Liu Shuhui and Cui Yunhua, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, Wang Yunjun, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Secretary of the Disciplinary Committee, Vice President Qiu Gao, Chen Ge, Chen Nanliang, Shu Huisheng, Li Wei, Yang Shibin, alumni representative, President and senior engineer of Shanghai Challenge Group, attended the ceremony. The heads of colleges and related departments, teacher representatives, full-time and part-time counselors, and all Donghua people witnessed together this important moment. The ceremony was presided over by Shu Huisheng and broadcasted live and simultaneously on CCTV, Xinhuanet, CYOL.COM, Donghua University's official Weibo, Douyin, Bilibili, and YiShiMedia accounts, with a total of nearly 500,000 views.

"Our former President, Professor Qian Baojun, the founder of China's chemical fiber industry and fiber polymer science; Professor Yan Haojing, an internationally renowned fiber and spinning structure expert; Professor Yu Mingfang, who spun the first synthetic fiber in China; Professor Pan Ding, the lifetime "specialist" in carbon fiber ... Over the past 70 years, the representatives of Donghua with their sense of patriotism have upheld and adhered to the belief of “seeking not individual benefits but the general wellbeing of all.” They have pursued this belief generation after generation and devoted their entire lives and all that they have to practice the ideal of serving the country" from “meeting the world’s needs with textile techniques” to “striving for universal welfare” ... At the opening ceremony, Yu Jianyong offered the "first class" to the new members of Donghua University.

Coinciding with the 70th anniversary of the founding of Donghua University, one question remains: how can we pass on the spirit of Donghua and write a new pioneering chapter for the youth of today? Yu Jianyong expressed his expectation for the 2021 students in three dimensions: The dedication to the country and the people, the courage to explore and the pursuit of excellence, and the concept of open-minded collaboration. He passionately encouraged students to "with firm ideals and beliefs, broad mind and sense of responsivity, humble study attitude, mutual support and cooperation concept, keep true to their original aspirations and missions, bear the responsibilities, and constantly achieve self-breakthroughs with strict self-discipline, make new achievements at Donghua, and grow to be the new force of the era to undertake the task of national rejuvenation!"