2021 Joint Sino-German Symposium on Interactive Colloidal Systems for Biomedical Applications Held in DHU
post date: 2021-09-15 counts: 465

On September 9, the 2021 Joint Sino-German Symposium on Interactive Colloidal Systems for Biomedical Applications was successfully held on the ZOOM conference platform in Donghua University. This Symposium was hosted by DUH and organized by the College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, the State Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials (SKLFPM) and Shanghai Biophysical Society. More than 60 professors, scholars and graduate students from domestic and foreign universities participated in the Symposium and exchanged the latest academic progress online.

(Screenshot of the symposium)

The opening ceremony of the conference was presided over by Professor Shi Xiangyang, the deputy dean of the School of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology. The theme is "Interactive Colloidal Systems for Biomedical Applications". Scholars and professors from RWTH Aachen University in Germany, Free University of Berlin, University of Hamburg, Zhejiang University, Tongji University, Soochow University, Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, etc. exchanged the latest research progress and results in nanomedicine and targeted delivery, integrated platform for tumor diagnosis and treatment, and medical engineering application of colloidal system. In his final report, Shi Xiangyang shared the latest advances in research based on functionalized nanohydrogels combined with macrophage carriers and cell membranes to enhance tumor diagnosis and treatment.

After the Symposium, a number of Chinese and foreign experts also conducted online discussions, pointing out the direction of follow-up research and the possibility of cooperation. This Symposium provided a platform for domestic and foreign researchers in related fields to exchange the latest scientific research progress, strengthened the international scientific and technological cooperation between Chinese and German universities, and promoted the substantive cooperation between experts and scholars of the two countries, thus receiving high recognition from the participating experts.

(Professor Rainer Haag from the Free University of Berlin gave an academic report)