Glorious Sun School of Business and Management Obtained AMBA and BGA Joint Accreditation
post date: 2021-08-24 counts: 660

Recently, the Glorious Sun School of Business and Management of Donghua University received a letter from the Association of MBAs (AMBA) and the Business Graduates Association (BGA), announcing that the school had officially obtained joint accreditation by the two prestigious global business education authorities-AMBA and BGA (Gold Medal). The Glorious Sun School of Business and Management has now become the first business school in Shanghai to be jointly accredited by both AMBA and BGA (Gold Medal).

From 19 to 21 May 19 this year, the AMBA and BGA (Gold Medal) international accreditation expert group conducted an online accreditation evaluation. The accreditation expert group was headed by experts from the Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, the Netherlands, and the chairman of the AMBA and BGA International Accreditation Advisory Board (IAAB), Professor Steef van de Velde. The group consisted of Professor Wang Zhongming, international consultant of AMBA International Certification China, Director of Zhejiang University's Global Entrepreneurship Research Center, Stephanie Villemagne, Associate Dean of the Master of Management and Finance Program at Instituto de Empresa in Madrid, Spain, and Joseph Pilkington, AMBA & BGA accreditation manager. In accordance with the AMBA and BGA (Gold Medal)’s accreditation standards, the accreditation expert group conducted a comprehensive evaluation of the School’s program features, curriculum design, faculty, and student development.

The principal Yu Jianyong and vice principal Shu Huisheng attended the online evaluation forum. Yu Jianyong introduced the overall development, strategic planning, and development ideas of Donghua University’s Glorious Sun School of Business and Management. He highlighted Donghua University’s commitment to supporting the development of management disciplines, and discussed the development of the Glorious Sun School of Business and Management and its role as part of the university’s key strategic plan. Disciplines with development potential and aligned with national key development objectives, such as Management Science and Engineering, are classified as key disciplines to foster in the 14th Five Year Plan. He affirmed the achievements made by the Glorious Sun School of Business and Management in discipline development, talent training and social services, and its contribution to the overall development of the university. He noted that the joint accreditation of AMBA and BGA creates a key opportunity for the Glorious Sun School of Business and Management to roll out its international development strategy, with the university to continue providing support and guarantee its development. Shu Huisheng mentioned that the AMBA & BGA joint accreditation of the Glorious Sun School of Business and Management reinforced years of progress and development results. Following the evaluation outcome and suggestions of the expert group, the school will further adhere to the advanced philosophy of operating a business school to optimize its own education system unremittingly.

With this joint accreditation, the Glorious Sun School of Business and Management sees its MBA program and the national top undergraduate discipline - e-commerce - accredited as model majors. The accreditation expert group also held several online forums and exchanges with heads of the to-be accredited programs, student affairs management team and teacher representatives. It also consulted the heads of the International Cooperation Office, Graduate School, Academic Affairs Office, Glorious Sun School of Business and Management and other relevant departments and colleges, to attend to and evaluate the school's development over the past three years in terms of mission and vision, program characteristics, faculty composition, talent cultivation, etc., as well as its development strategy, organizational governance structure, curriculum system, student education and more.

(Online seminar and exchange site)

The accreditation expert group, in light of self-evaluation reports, questionnaire surveys and seminars, fully affirmed the progress of the Glorious Sun School of Business and Management in strategic planning, faculty development, program characteristics, curriculum design, student education, etc. since the 2017 AMBA accreditation. Particular attention was paid to the fashion MBA program which saw the integration of the university’s resources and characteristics, as well as the school's achievements in actively assuming social responsibility and international college management capability, etc. Andrew Main Wilson, CEO of AMBA & BGA, recognized Donghua University’s Glorious Sun School of Business and Management for its commitment to responsible management, and expressed his expectation that both parties will continue to strengthen cooperation in the future and jointly promote the principles of responsible management in higher education and other fields.

The Association of MBAs (AMBA) was founded in 1967 as an independent organization that specializes in MBA quality accreditation. The AMBA and BGA (Gold Medal) joint accreditation is of great significance to the continual promotion and growth of the Glorious Sun School of Business and Management as a top business school. The school will make further efforts to build upon and innovate economic management knowledge, and to strengthen the training of management talents and the innovation of management wisdom. The Glorious Sun School of Business and Management passed the AMBA accreditation in November 2017 and had applied for re-accreditation online in May 2021. The Business Graduates Association (BGA) is a sister brand launched by the British Business Graduates Association based on the 2019 AMBA accreditation to provide qualification accreditation and quality assurance for world-class and high-potential business schools. The Glorious Sun School of Business and Management applied for accreditation at the beginning of this year and was approved. In May 2021, the BGA (Gold Medal) accreditation and AMBA re-accreditation were rolled out simultaneously, and the school successfully passed the joint accreditation.