2021 Belt and Road National Textile Production Capacity International Cooperation Advanced Seminar Held
post date: 2021-07-29 counts: 650

From 5 July 5 to 23 July 2021, the Belt and Road National Textile Production Capacity International Cooperation Advanced Seminar (hereinafter referred to as the "Seminar") hosted by the Shanghai Municipal Education Commission and undertaken by Donghua University was successfully held. The seminar was the fourth session relating to the Belt and Road initiative to be held by Donghua University. Over 20 domestic and overseas college students and textile industry practitioners from countries along the Belt and Road initiative route such as Pakistan, Bangladesh, Ghana, Sudan and Ethiopia participated in the seminar both virtually and in person.

(Participants visit the exhibition hall of the top discipline in textile science and engineering)

The 2021 Shanghai “Textile” Postgraduate International Summer School online courses were made available to seminar participants. These courses seek to consolidate their professional textile background, enable the sharing of cutting-edge knowledge, broaden their academic horizons, and improve their comprehensive ability in scientific research. Professor Martin W. King from North Carolina State University, Professor Tao Xuyuan from the ENSAIT, Professor Hugh Gong from the University of Manchester, and other renown experts and scholars were invited to offer guidance. In addition to the online courses, those participating in the offline seminar, led Professor Wang Hua of the College of Textiles, visited enterprises and factories engaged in textiles, materials, trade and other sectors to conduct research and exchanges, as well as experience first hand the vitality of China's textile industry in the new era.

(Professor Wang Hua from the College of Textiles leads students on a tour of textile companies)

After the seminar, the trainees who participated in the offline seminar said that the learning and visits provided by the seminar not only enriched their knowledge, enhanced their comprehensive ability, and broadened their horizons, but also helped them gain a deeper understanding of Shanghai’s urban landscape, Chinese culture and spirit.