2021 International Students Graduation & Degree Awarding Ceremony Held
post date: 2021-07-13 counts: 879

On 8 July, the 2021 international students graduation ceremony of Donghua University was held on the Yan’an Road campus. 76 PhD, master and undergraduate students from 37 countries completed their studies, bade farewell to Donghua and embarked on a new life journey. Vice President Qiu Gao attended the graduation ceremony. In addition to the students who were present at the event, 49 graduates joined virtually.

(Qiu Gao sent a message to graduates)

At the graduation ceremony, Qiu Gao sent a message to all the graduates, presented graduation certificates and degrees to those present, and expressed congratulations to the graduating students from all over the world, as well as express his hope that the international graduates could become envoys of world culture in exchanges, mutual learning and advancement, spread Shanghai’s spirit of “inclusiveness, excellence, enlightenment, wisdom, and humility” and uphold principles of kindness to others, and join hands to promote people-to-people bonds and the building of a community with a shared future for mankind.

(Faculty and graduate representatives gave speeches)

The faculty representative John Wilson congratulated the graduates for completing their studies and obtaining their degrees, and recognized their invaluable ability to learn under pressure, manage time, deal with unexpected situations, and work in cross-cultural teams. He hoped that graduates would continue to study and stay curious in the future.

Chen Renjie (Malaysia), an undergraduate student majoring in Fashion and Apparel Design, Behin (Uganda), a master student majoring in Material Processing Engineering, and Gan Jiaming (Pakistan), a doctoral student majoring in Biomaterials, gave speeches to extend their gratitude to the careful cultivation of Donghua University and teachers, and recalled the wonderful moments of their college life.

(Online photo session of graduates)

Yao Weixin, Dean of International Cultural Exchange School, connected with the graduates who attended the event online in order for them to record their graduation moments by taking a photo online in their own countries and feel the sincere blessings from Donghua University. Li Binrong, Secretary of the United General Party Branch, awarded the certificate of merit to outstanding international graduates in 2021.