The 19th Greater Donghua Fashion Week & Graduation Season Display of the Institute of Art and Design Kicked Off
post date: 2021-04-15 counts: 715

On April 12, the launching ceremony of “Greater Donghua Fashion Week & Graduation Season of the Institute of Art and Design of Donghua University” (hereinafter referred to as “Fashion Week”) was held in the performance hall on 2F of Yifu Building on the Yan'an West Road Campus. President Yu Jianyong and Deputy Director of the Shanghai Economy and Information Technology Commission Ruan Li attended the event, together with over 200 attendants including representatives from the Changning District Government, related enterprises and institutions, and faculty and students.

President Yu Jianyong delivered a speech at the opening ceremony. On behalf of Donghua University, he extended welcome and gratitude to the guests participating in the fashion week and introduced the University’s achievements in recent years, highlighting the distinctive advantage of its design discipline. He pointed out that the holding of the “Fashion Week” in a row is a key move for Donghua University to inherit Shanghai-style culture, cultivate independent brands, drive the construction of Shanghai into the capital of brand, design and fashion, and serve the development of national cultural and creative industries. He said that the Donghua will take this event as an opportunity to deepen cooperation with all sectors of society to realize mutual development, explore new development paths for the design discipline centering on Donghua’s “design+” and “fashion+” initiative, and make every effort to foster new fashion technologies, new business forms, new models, and new demands with “Donghua Characteristic”, further contribute wisdom and strength to the upgrade of Shanghai's core competitiveness, and pay tribute to the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and the 70th anniversary of the founding of Donghua University.

(President Yu Jianyong was delivering a speech)

Later, Yu Jianyong, Ruan Li and the CEO of Peacebird Group Co., Ltd., Chen Hongchao, jointly pressed the launching button, marking the official start of the Fashion Week.

(Fashion Week Officially Kicks Off)

Industry leaders were invited as judges for the 6th Donghua University Emerging Designers’ Collection Debut and the “Emerging Donghua Talents” Finale as the opening show of the Fashion Week, demonstrating Donghua University’s positioning of “greater designs for global fashion” in the innovation of the design discipline, and its strength and determination to drive the development of “Greater Donghua” through creation.

(Event Site of Donghua University Emerging Designers’ Work Debut)

This Fashion Week themed “Circle of Life” will present 17 splendid shows and events. Faculty and students, gaining insights into the various dimensions of art design education and teaching in a broader perspective, will refine the concept of sustainable development, showing that the University’s unremitting exploration in the education and cultivation of international, practical and innovative fashion talents.