Three New Specialties Offered by DHU
post date: 2021-03-03 counts: 718

Recently, the Ministry of Education announced the filing, examination and approval result of undergraduate specialties of colleges and universities in 2020. Donghua University can offer three new undergraduate specialties, i.e. Artificial Intelligence, Intelligent Science and Technology, and Supply Chain Management. Up till now, our university has 59 undergraduate specialties in total.

List of Newly Approved Undergraduate Specialties of Donghua University in 2020



Discipline Field

Study Duration

Artificial Intelligence



4 Years

Intelligent Science and Technology



4 Years

Supply Chain Management



4 Years

Artificial Intelligence is designed to improve the scientific literacy, engineering quality and scientific research abilities of students and to help them grasp basic theories of artificial intelligence and related technologies and create an overall artificial intelligence knowledge structure. This specialty can foster diversified top-notch innovative talents with excellent scientific literacy and capacity, good team work spirits, and solid theoretical foundation for the country in the field of intelligent information science, so as to meet the needs of China’s strategic development and to serve the local economic development and construction.

Intelligent Science and Technologyis designed to improve the intelligent science literacy of students as well as the abilities of students to apply artificial intelligence means to resolving application problems, in order that students could be competent for the jobs involving computer and artificial intelligence, such as research of artificial intelligence algorithms, development of intelligence application systems, intelligent technical support. Based on the construction goals of national artificial intelligence strategy as well as the demand for urgently-needed personnel, this specialty is offered to foster compound talents with solid mathematical foundation, basic computer skills, and good engineering practice abilities, who grasp basic theories and basic methods of intelligent science.

Supply Chain Management is designed to improve the basic supply chain operation skills of students as well as the professional qualities of students in terms of overall planning and design, scheme optimization, and management diagnosis of enterprise supply chains. This specialty has three special modules, i.e. fashion supply chain management, supply chain data analysis, and e-commerce supply chain. Our university will lead students to get in touch with enterprises through such links as graduation projects and logistics design contests, to offer supply chain operation solutions to enterprises and to improve the employability of students.

The newly approved three undergraduate specialties of our university are focused on the needs of China’s economic and social development, combine our discipline construction requirements with our talent cultivation orientation, and can further optimize the layout of specialties and promote the coordinated development of multiple disciplines and specialties. In the first year of the 14th Five-year Plan, our university will regard the implementation of national standards as the bottom line of specialty construction, further develop optimization, adjustment and upgrading of specialties, focus on the key priorities of the “Double-Ten-Thousand Plan” to promote the construction of first-class specialties, and earnestly carry out the construction of undergraduate specialties to drive and lead the improvement of our university’s personnel cultivation quality.