DHU 2020 Graduation Ceremony
post date: 2020-07-02 counts: 293

On June 30, the 2020 Cloud Graduation Ceremony of DHU was held in Songjiang Campus. More than 5000 graduates will leave their old school and start their new journey. Party Secretary Liu Chenggong, President Yu Jianyong, Deputy Party Secretaries Liu Shuhui and Cui Yunhua, and Vice Presidents Qiu Gao, Qing Fengling, Chen Nanliang, Shu Huisheng, and Li Wei attended the ceremony. Representatives of teachers from all functional departments and schools and alumni representatives attended the event. The ceremony was presided over by Shu Huisheng.

2020 is destined to be an extraordinary year. Due to the need of epidemic prevention and control and in order to create a good atmosphere, DHU decided to hold a special graduation ceremony, combining online and offline. The ceremony was broadcast live on multiple platforms such as xuexi.cn APP, the official live-broadcasting platform, the official Bilibili and TikTok account of DHU. On that day, more than 160,000 people witnessed this special graduation ceremony through various means, such as the “5G+VR” 360° panoramic immersive live broadcast, mobile device live broadcast, live broadcast with photos, and campus tour. Nearly 200 graduate representatives attended the ceremony on site.

Liu Chenggong announced the list of outstanding graduates of 2020 and sent his congratulations to them. This year, a total of 273 students from DHU obtained the title of Shanghai Outstanding Graduates and 300 students obtained the title of Donghua University Outstanding Graduates.

(Liu Chenggong announcing the list of outstanding graduates)

The president giving graduates the last lesson for self-improvement

Yu Jianyong delivering message to graduates)

Yu Jianyong, president of DHU and academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering gave graduates the last lesson. He affectionately delivered message to graduates and hoped that students would love the country, dare to carry responsibilities, keep pushing on, forge ahead without fear of difficulties, do not forget the original intention and stick to it, be majestic and be kind to others, and promote win-win cooperation. “There is only one heroism in the world: to see the world as it is, and to love it.” He encouraged graduates to strive to move ahead with great burden, maintain a positive, optimistic, humble, and motivated mental state, be oriented to the future, be kind to others, learn to be hardworking, and be more virtuous, thus enjoying a smooth life. “We meet unexpectedly in life, then go far gradually. DHU provides strong backing to you and as the young generation, you move towards the future with infinite possibilities. ‘The immense sea allows fish to leap at liberty, the vast sky lets birds fly freely.’ I hope you make the best use of your time to work hard and overcome difficulties. Be ready to dedicate your youth to the construction of our motherland!” (The full text is attached at the end of this article)

A teacher representative sending warm blessings

(Zhang Kejing sending blessings to the graduates)

Zhang Kejing, the teacher representative and dean of Humanities School, sent warm blessings to the graduates who successfully completed their studies and would be on a new journey in life. She encouraged students to keep up with the pace of the times through learning, maintain the habit of learning, constantly absorb knowledge and increase skills; dare to accumulate experience in adversity, inherit the spirit of DHU and be the people who are able to face up to difficulties and dare to carry responsibilities, regard the experience accumulated in adversity as a valuable asset, associate their own value with the development of the county; be willing to cherish the happiness in busy lives, cheer for themselves at any time, so that they will have a better future. “DHU remains your spiritual home. You are always welcome home.” She said.

Graduates and current students leaving a message for future

  (Representatives of graduates and current students making the speech)

Nie Ziqi, a graduate representative and a 2020 graduate of the College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology with a master’s degree expressed her thanks to DHU and her teachers for their training and thanked her classmates for their company.

She believed that during the years of studying in DHU, she has developed her mind and body, tempered the ability, and expanded her vision and realm. In the future, she would definitely work hard with the spirit of “Integrity in Mind, Erudition in Learning, Nobility in Aspiration, and Conscientiousness in Practice” and contribute to the future development of DHU. Yao Qiang, a current student representative and a 2017 undergraduate of the College of Environmental Science and Engineering recalled his unforgettable time spent with senior students. “DHU has witnessed our growth, and you have become our role models.” he said. He wished all of the graduates could have thoughts and pursuits, and overcome obstacles.

At the ceremony, the teachers and students watched the graduation themed video “Surge on, Young Generation, Saluting the Youth of the New Era”. This special cloud graduation ceremony ended successfully when all teachers and students sang the song “Friends” online and offline.

(The interface of the live broadcast platform for the graduation ceremony)

Liu Jiahao, a graduate of the College of Foreign Languages, attended the graduation ceremony at home due to the epidemic. He wrote in his WeChat moments: “I really want to go back to school and throw the bachelor hat high. Unfortunately I was not there, but this is a ceremony full of sense of ritual, which brought us surprise and touch! The all-round live broadcast makes people feel like they are on the spot, and the interactive comment section is so lively that everyone almost forgets that they are still in Shanghai or in their hometown. This graduation ceremony is especially meaningful! ”

(Site of the graduation ceremony)

Although this is a special graduation season, this ceremony is full of sense of ritual. Related functional departments and all schools have elaborately designed a variety of graduation activities such as campus tour, graduation micro-video show, graduation class, and cloud group photo. Moreover, the graduates also received graduation souvenirs such as keychains engraved with the university badge, graduation badges, and commemorative T-Shirts with patterns of landmarks of DHU, which not only carry the exclusive memories of the 2020 graduates, but also have far-reaching meanings.

(Site of the graduation party)

(Light Show on the Bund)

In the evening, the DHU Cloud Graduation Party carefully prepared by teachers and students was held. As night fell, the lights on the Bund were once again lit up for Donghua students. This traditional programme made the graduates feel the warmth and care of their old school. “I am a DHUer/student of DHU. I spent a good time in DHU. Now, I will embark on a new journey with the expectations of my old school and teachers. I will pursue my ideals with firm faith and never forget my original mission. I will actively contribute wisdom and strength to the realization of the country’s two centenary goals and fulfilment of the Chinese dream of the national rejuvenation. Today I am proud of DHU, and DHU will take pride in me in the future!”

When all the lights are on, the ships on the Huangpu River sail away slowly. In this special period, the all-time graduation ceremony of DHU continues. The eyes from the old school on the former students always make people feel sweet.


Work Hard and Overcome Difficulties; Be Ready to Dedicate Your Youth

— Speech at the DHU 2020 Graduation Ceremony

Yu Jianyong, president of DHU and academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering

Good afternoon,

all the graduates, teachers and parents:

Today, we are here to solemnly hold the 2020 graduation ceremony for sending off the graduates of 2020 who will embark on a new journey! Due to the epidemic, most of the graduates failed to arrive at the scene, but I believe that this online and offline cloud ceremony carefully designed by the school will be a wonderful and unforgettable experience for everyone. At this moment, I find it hard to say goodbye, but as a teacher, I am gratified and happy to see your growth and success, and I look forward to and wish everyone a bright future. First of all, on behalf of DHU, I would express my warm congratulations to everyone who successfully completed their studies, and pay high tribute to the teachers and parents who have always cared about and nurtured the students.

This year, the sudden epidemic has greatly affected your studies, life and employment. You had unusual experiences such as online classes, online thesis defense, and online recruitment, and gained plentiful fruits after the hardships during the process of all the Chinese people to fight the epidemic. “There is only one heroism in the world: to see the world as it is, and to love it.” In the face of the unexpected difficulties, I sincerely hope you adhere to the motto of “Integrity in Mind, Erudition in Learning, Nobility in Aspiration, and Conscientiousness in Practice” and look at life from a wider field of vision. Upon your departure, I want to say something more.

Firstly, I hope you love the country, dare to carry responsibilities, and keep pushing on.

Loving the motherland is the foundation of one’s life and leads to success. More than a hundred years ago, the national hero Lin Zexu expressed the patriotism of the Chinese by saying that “I shall dedicate myself to the interests of the country in life and death irrespective of personal weal and woe.” Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic, numerous people are determined to go retrograde and take responsibility for the country. All Chinese people are unified with a single will, showing the strong centripetal force and cohesion of the Chinese nation to the world. General Secretary Xi Jinping said that “For every Chinese, loving the country is our duty. It is what the heart really wants and the ultimate goal of the soul.” I believe that in the past few months, you all have seen the strong ability of our country to manage complex situations, respond to risks and challenges, overcome serious public crises, and promote social development under the leadership of the Communist Party of China. Among them, the socialist system with Chinese characteristics and the national governance system have shown great advantages and strengthened the “road confidence, theoretical confidence, institutional confidence, and cultural confidence.” Today, standing at the historical intersection of the two centenary goals, we shall build a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way and achieve the first centenary goal, but also start a new era of building a modern socialist country, striving for achieving the second centenary goal. Generations of strugglers contribute wisdom and strength to the realization of the Chinese dream of the nation rejuvenation. “Whatever my status, I will never lay aside my concern for the nation.” Among the graduates of this year, the first postgraduate teaching team and volunteers of the Western Program will go to the western provinces. You are born in a great new era. You shall be clear about your responsibilities and shoulder and perform the responsibilities. In the future, you shall always be patriotic, love the party, and love socialism, dare to carry responsibilities, and keep pushing on.

Secondly, I hope you will forge ahead without fear of difficulties, do not forget the original intention and stick to it.

There is no great historical evil without a compensating historical progress, Friedrich Engels once said. Since the outbreak of the epidemic this year, new technologies and new business forms such as online classrooms, home office, virtual exhibitions, remote consultations, and contactless restaurants have blossomed, and the “post-epidemic era” under normal prevention and control is coming. As you will start a new life, you have to learn to change roles, adapt to the environment, and manage yourself. You will encounter many difficulties, but remember that there are more ways than difficulties and crisis could create new opportunities. Dear all, whether you choose to continue your studies, or make a living or start a business, I hope you all could be successful. “Those who make great achievements not only have extraordinary talents, but also have a strong will.” Willpower and concentration are the keys to success. Great careers start with dreams and come from doing solid work. In the future, when faced with numerous competitions, I hope you could maintain patience, perseverance and peace of mind, remain true to your original aspiration and stick to it.

Thirdly, I hope you will be majestic and be kind to others, and promote win-win cooperation.

There is only one earth for mankind, and all countries live in the same world. The world is moving toward multipolar growth, the economy is globalized, the culture is diversified, and the society is informationized. The destiny of mankind is closely tied. To uphold world peace, promote common development and seek cooperation and win-win is not only the common wish of the people around the world, but also the criteria and value orientation for people to get along with others in this era. The relationship between people is not competition, but coexistence. This epidemic has allowed us to see the shining points of human beings in difficult times. You think it’s a smooth sailing, in fact it was sailing against the currents for the others. Dear all, I hope you will strive to move ahead with great burden, maintain a positive, optimistic, humble, and motivated mental state, be oriented to the future, be kind to others, learn to be hardworking, and be more virtuous. I believe that all those so-called pains and grievances will eventually warm others and illuminate yourself, and thus you will enjoy a smooth life.

At this moment, it is hard to say goodbye. “We meet unexpectedly in life, then go far gradually. DHU provides strong backing to you.” We will never forget the old days we spent at Yan’an Road and Wenhui Road. As the young generation, you move towards the future with infinite possibilities. ‘The immense sea allows fish to leap at liberty, the vast sky lets birds fly freely.’ I hope you all seize the day and live it to the full! Hope you work hard and overcome difficulties. Be ready to dedicate your youth to the construction of our motherland!"

Finally, I would like to offer my best wishes to all the graduates of 2020! Wish you a bright future! Thanks!