Party Secretary Liu Chenggong Investigates the Progress of Key Tasks During the Epidemic Prevention and Control
post date: 2020-03-18 counts: 223

On March 11, party secretary Liu Chenggong, successively went to the College of Textiles, the College of Materials Science and Engineering and the College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology to investigate the epidemic prevention and control measures and the progress of teaching, scientific research, discipline construction, talent cultivation and other key tasks, and went deep into the scientific research base to learn about the progress of major scientific research projects.

(Liu Chenggong inspecting the research and development of anti-epidemic products such as masks and protective clothing at the College of Textiles)

Liu Chenggong pointed out that the current epidemic prevention and control is in a critical period. We should never conduct affairs in a slack or negligent manner. We must take a series of scientific and strict prevention and control measures and actively respond to the impact of the epidemic, deploy work in advance, move forward much more quickly, secure progress in coordinating epidemic prevention and control with other work related to the construction and development of DHU, so as to ensure the successful completion of the annual work objectives. He stressed that it is necessary to enhance the awareness of serving the major national strategies in terms of scientific and technological innovation and improve the supply capacity. We should find out requirements and seize opportunities under the impact of the epidemic, and actively carry out basic research and tackle hard-nut problems in science and technology, so as to actively contribute to the fight against the epidemic. While doing a comprehensive job in epidemic prevention and control, it is necessary to thoroughly understand the requirements of major scientific research projects, and assist the scientific research teams to carry out work in an orderly manner. The colleges should adhere to the student-oriented educational principle, make clear the completion of the learning plan, graduation thesis and experiment of each student, especially the graduates, scientifically and reasonably make the teaching plan according to the changes of epidemic prevention and control situation, fulfill quality and quantity requirements of graduation projects (theses) , do a good job in employment guidance and service, stabilize the expectations of teachers and students, and ensure that most graduates of this year graduate on schedule.

(Liu Chenggong learning about the progress of major scientific research projects at the College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology)

(Liu Chenggong visiting the faculty members who have returned to school at the College of Materials Science and Engineering)

Persons in charge of the College of Textiles, the College of Materials Science Engineering and the College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology participated in the investigation and reported the progress of key tasks of their respective colleges during the epidemic prevention and control.