Bid Farewell to 2020, Say Hello to 2021: DHU International Faculty Reception Held
post date: 2020-12-31 counts: 1120

On December 28, 2020, a New Year reception in honor of international faculty members of DHU was held by the International Cooperation Office. Twelve foreign experts and teachers who are currently in China, Dr. Zhao Mingwei and Dr. Yang Shengyuan, Director and Deputy Director of ICO respectively, as well as ICO staff members gathered together to celebrate the coming new year.

Dr. Yang Shengyuan appreciated the foreign experts and teachers doing their best to ensure the fulfillment of their duties regardless of risks and hardship arising from the epidemic. Dr. Zhao Mingwei listened carefully to their feelings, needs and difficulties of living and working in China and Donghua University, and said that the International Cooperation Office would make more efforts to provide them with better support and services.

 (Dr. Zhao Mingwei (left) and Dr. Yang Shengyuan (right) Speaking)

Anselm Vermeulen, teacher of the International Cultural Exchange School and winner of Shanghai "Magnolia Memorial Award", who has been working at DHU for 11 years, recalled his memory of joining the University in the first place. Yi Wei, distinguished professor of the Center for Civil Aviation and Composites introduced his work and proudly illustrated DHUs wisdom hidden in Chinas high-speed railways. Fatemeh Zabihi, teacher of the College of Materials Science and Engineering shared her unforgettable experience of getting stuck in a third country for more than half a year due to the epidemic and finally returning to DHU after many ups and downs...The foreign experts and teachers exchanged their thoughts and experiences in life and work heatedly. They were happy for meeting each other, gaining precious friendship and knowing the Universitys caring for them.

(International Faculty exchanging and sharing stories)

The theme of the reception was Bid Farewell to 2020, Say hello to 2021. In this unusual year, the COVID-19 pandemic swept the world. Some foreign experts and teachers have been staying in China since the outbreak, experienced the rough time and witnessed China's swift and strong anti-epidemic measures. As for those who were living abroad then, they overcame time differences and supported the University's online teaching actively and applied for returning to China and getting back to work as soon as possible, which contributed a lot to the orderly restoration of the teaching order of the University.

Some other activities were set up such as DIY featuring the year of the ox, and giving Donghua special gifts, etc., so as to convey the best wishes to foreign experts and teachers while introducing traditional Chinese culture and customs to them. Other participants in this New Year reception include Ms.Ge Yiling, Director of the Center of International Programs at the International Cultural Exchange School and representatives of college secretaries for foreign affairs.

(Group photo)