President Yu Jianyong Conducts Investigation in Ningbo to Deepen Cooperation
post date: 2020-08-02 counts: 282

On July 31, a team led by Yu Jianyong, president of DHU and academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, went to Ningbo, Zhejiang, to conduct investigation and met with Zheng Shanjie, deputy secretary of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee and secretary of the Ningbo Municipal Party Committee. DHU signed a strategic cooperation agreement and a donation agreement with Shenzhou International Group Holdings Limited. (hereinafter referred to as “Shenzhou Group”). Heads of related departments and colleges, such as Textile Science and Technology Innovation Center, Technology Achievement Transformation Center, Development & Liaison Office, President’s Office, College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, School of Environmental Science & Engineering, School of Information Science & Technology, School of Computer Science & Technology, participated in the investigation.

(Zheng Shanjie meeting with Yu Jianyong and other team members)

Zheng Shanjie introduced to the team the recent situation of the industrial layout and economic and social development in Ningbo. He pointed out that Ningbo has a prominent location advantage and a solid industrial foundation. In the past two years, a series of industrial projects have been implemented to accelerate the construction of three science and technology innovation highlands including new materials, and a city of individual championship in manufacturing. DHU is a top university in the industry, and its discipline characteristics and development direction closely match the key industrial clusters in Ningbo, such as green petrochemical industry, fashion textile, and clothing. He hoped that the two parties could deepen comprehensive cooperation, focus on new chemical materials, textile materials, intelligent manufacturing and other fields, plan to co-build the industrial technology research institute, explore a model of in-depth integration of industry and education, develop a series of key technologies, and improve the stability and competitiveness of the industrial chain and supply chain, so as to achieve the mutually beneficial and win-win development.

During the meeting, Yu Jianyong said that after long-term construction and development, DHU has formed distinctive school-running characteristics, excellent school-running traditions and profound cultural accumulation. Through promoting the research and development of key technologies and deepening the industry-university-research cooperation, a large number of research results have been successfully applied to aerospace, national defense and military, environmental protection and other fields, which have made positive contributions to the implementation of major national strategies, economic and social development, and the improvement of people’s livelihood. In the new era, facing new demands, DHU strives to seek development in making contributions.  He said that Ningbo has a good industrial foundation and advanced development ideas which make it a favored place for innovation and development. He hoped that the advantages and characteristics of DHU could be combined with the key fields of development in Ningbo, realizing the accurate docking of policy implementation, the promoting of the construction of innovation platforms, the strengthening of scientific and technological innovation, and contributing to the improvement of urban innovation strength and high-quality economic development in Ningbo.

Witnessed by Zheng Shanjie and other leaders, DHU signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Shenzhou Group, a leading enterprise in knitting industry in China, headquartered in Ningbo.

(DHU signing a strategic cooperation agreement with Shenzhou Group)

During the stay in Ningbo, Yu Jianyong and his colleges came to Shenzhou Group. Accompanied by Ma Jianrong, board chairman of the Group, they visited the Group's dyeing and finishing workshop, printing workshop, laboratory, modern center and other departments.

(Yu Jianyong and other team members visiting Shenzhou Group)

The two parties had in-depth discussions and exchanges. In the meantime, Yu Jianyong mainly introduced DHU’s overall development in terms of its important achievements, main bases, achievement transformation and participation in the “Belt and Road” construction. Ma Jianrong introduced the development history, strategic positioning and corporate culture of Shenzhou Group. The two parties stated that on the basis of the existing cooperation, they would further focus on key fields such as new textile materials, new technologies, new products, smart manufacturing, and green manufacturing, and establish a joint R&D center platform to promote in-depth university-enterprise cooperation, complement each other’s advantages, and achieve better coordinated development and win-win development.

(Site of the conversazione)

After the conversazione, a signing ceremony for donation agreement was held. Representatives of both parties signed the donation agreement, and Yu Jianyong, on behalf of DHU, issued a donation certificate to Ma Jianrong. Shenzhou Group donated 10 million RMB to DHU for the development of educational undertakings.

(Site of the signing ceremony for donation agreement)