Finals of the 22nd China University Basketball League Division II Kick Off in DHU
post date: 2020-08-10 counts: 329

On August 7, the National Finals of the 22nd China University Basketball League Division II hosted by the Federation of University Sports of China (FUSC) kicked off at the Songjiang campus of DHU. Zhang Ailong, deputy secretary general of the United Secretariat of the Student Sports Association, Ministry of Education, and vice chairman of the FUSC, Shu Huisheng, vice president of DHU, Chen Zuosong, vice chairman of the Basketball Branch of the FUSC, and director of the Department of Physical Education, Shanghai Jiaotong University, and Liu Qingguang, secretary general of the Basketball Branch of the FUSC, attended the opening ceremony on the afternoon of August 7. A total of 305 coaches and athletes participated in the finals, involving 21 men’s basketball teams and 7 women’s basketball teams from 27 colleges and universities across the country.

At the opening ceremony, Shu Huisheng delivered a welcome speech. He said that the holding of this sport game reflected the recognition and trust of the Ministry of Education and the FUSC for DHU. DHU would do its best to provide the best service for everyone, ensure the success of the sport game and also accumulate experience for all kinds of sports events in colleges and universities resuming and students returning to school in the near future. He hoped that through hosting this sport game, DHU would further strengthen exchanges and cooperation with other colleges and universities, and all parties would enhance friendship, and work together to improve the competitive level of Chinese college students’ basketball, promote the construction of campus sports culture, and facilitate the college students’ comprehensive development of moral, intellectual, physical, aesthetics and labor education.

The referee Wang Qiuchen took the oath on behalf of referees, while Zhou Yiyang, a basketball player of DHU, represented athletes. Zhang Ailong announced the beginning of the Finals of the 22nd China University Basketball League Division II.

(Zhang Ailong announcing the beginning of the game)

(Shu Huisheng kicking off the basketball game)

After four quarters of fierce competition, the host DHU beat Jiangsu University with a score of 73:62 in the opening game, making a good beginning.

To control the number of participants and reduce the risk of infection, there will be no spectators during the National Finals. The game will last for 8 days. After 75 matches, the men’s and women’s national championships of China University Basketball League Division II will be decided on August 14.