2020 Shanghai-Taiwan Youth Elite Leadership Camp Held
post date: 2020-09-28 counts: 488

From September 21 to 25, under the guidance of the Shanghai Municipal Education Commission and the Taiwan Affairs Office of Shanghai Municipal Government, hosted by DHU, the 2020 Shanghai - Taiwan Youth Elite Leadership Camp was held online in the form of “one camp, one competition, and one exhibition”, attracting more than 40 students from universities of Shanghai and Taiwan. Liu Chenggong, secretary of the Party Committee of DHU and Wang Lixin, deputy director of the Taiwan Affairs Office of Shanghai Municipal Government attended the opening ceremony and delivered message to the young people from Shanghai and Taiwan.

(Liu Chenggong delivering message to the young people from Shanghai and Taiwan)

At the opening ceremony, Liu Chenggong, on behalf of DHU, warmly welcomed the young students from Shanghai and Taiwan who participated in this leadership camp. He pointed out that people on both sides of the Taiwan Straits share the bond of kinship, speak the same language and belong to the same culture. As the future masters of the nation, youths on both sides of the strait should communicate and connect with each other deeply, work hard together, dare to carry responsibilities, and join hands to improve people’s wellbeing and create a bright future of China. The Shanghai - Taiwan Youth Elite Leadership Camp is committed to providing more opportunities for the growth of young people on both sides of the Taiwan Straits. It is also hoped that the young students from Shanghai and Taiwan could find more like-minded friends and partners through the learning and communicating with each other at the Leadership Camp.

(Wang Lixin delivering speeches at the opening ceremony)

Wang Lixin reviewed the five years history of the Leadership Camp. He said he was pleased to see that the youths from Shanghai and Taiwan could continue to make progress and grow together through communication and interaction. The leadership camp has always been working hard for the purpose of providing more opportunities for young people from Shanghai and Taiwan.

(Displaying some courses of the Leadership Camp)

Launched in 2015, the Shanghai-Taiwan Youth Elite Leadership Camp of DHU has now developed into a brand project for the communication of university students from Shanghai and Taiwan, and has been highly recognized by the Shanghai Municipal Education Commission and the Taiwan Affairs Office of Shanghai Municipal Government. Themed on “creativity without boundaries, integration for symbiosis”, this year’s Leadership Camp included a series of activities such as campus IP cultural and creative design competition, exhibition tour of cultural and creative products at campuses in Shanghai and Taiwan. These activities was closely integrated with the charm elements of Shanghai as well as China’s outstanding traditional culture and the development concept of innovation and creativity industries, allowing young students from Shanghai and Taiwan to fully appreciate the rapid development and tremendous changes brought about by innovation and creativity industries.