Sino-Japan Medical Textiles Forum Held Experts from China and Japan Share the Latest Interdisciplinary Findings
post date: 2020-10-20 counts: 573

In  order to strengthen international cooperation and integrative  development, and promote the cutting-edge basic research of medical  textile materials and the upgrading of the medical textile industry in  China, Sino-Japan Medical Textiles Forum, themed on “Guard health,  Unlimited Textiles” was held in Wuxi from October 17 to October18. The  Forum was hosted by the China Textile Engineering Society and  co-organized by the Key Laboratory of Ministry of Education on Textile  Fabric Technology in DHU and Soochow University, the Society of Fiber  Science and Technology, Japan, and the periodical office of the Journal of Textile Research. Experts from China and Japan conducted discussions on “Medical Textiles” and shared their latest research findings.

(Site of the Forum)

(Fu Guangwei, president of the China Textile Engineering Society, making a speech)

The Forum was composed of keynote speech and poster display, in which the keynote speech is conducted through a combination of on-site, recording and live broadcast. Fu Guangwei, President of China Textile Engineering Society said that, medical textiles play an important role in national economy and people’s livelihood. Currently, the innovation system with enterprises as the main body is taking shape in China. For the technology of medical textiles, there are big barriers to entry. This requires the government to give more policy supports to medical textiles in terms of medical system, to form a strong manufacturing foundation while paying attention to scientific research. He hoped that we should strengthen ties and cooperation with developed countries in this field and gradually narrow the gap with them.

A total of 21 experts from 12 domestic and foreign universities, including Donghua University, Soochow University, University of California, Davis, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, and Osaka University, shared information on textile medical fibers, textile-based medical devices, anti-coronavirus nanometer materials, high-performance mask production technology, medical textile repair materials and other topics. Teachers Wang Lu, Shi Xiangyang, Wang Fujun, and Huang Chen from DHU gave on-site invited lectures. There was an animated atmosphere on the site with all seats being occupied.

(Presentation of Best Poster Award)

Moreover, Doctoral students Zhang Qian, Liu Laijun, Qiao Yansha, and Yu Chenglong from the Textile School of DHU won the Best Poster Award in this Sino-Japan Medical Textiles Forum.

(Group photo of leaders and experts)

The Sino-Japan Medical Textiles Forum is a bilateral academic exchange activity of China Association for Science and Technology. It aims to focus on scientific and technological innovation, solve the problems and challenges in the economic and social development of China and foreign countries, promote technical exchanges between China and foreign countries, and help raise the technological level of medical textiles in China. This Forum successfully enhanced the academic influence of DHU in the field of biomedical textile materials, and proved DHU’s strength in interdisciplinary research in the fields of textiles, biology, and materials.