Researcher Chen Zhigang Wins the Title of “Shanghai Young Talent in Science and Technology”
post date: 2020-10-08 counts: 522

On  September 27, the award ceremony of Shanghai Young Talent in Science  and Technology was held in the Science Hall. Researcher Chen Zhigang  from the Material Science & Engineering School of DHU won the title  of the 10th “Shanghai Young Talent in Science and Technology” (basic  research category).

Chen Zhigang is mainly engaged in the research of synthesis and application of photothermal materials. He put forward a new strategy for constructing high-efficiency near-infrared photothermal materials, developed a new system for effective treatment of tumors with the synergistic effect of photothermal and chemotherapy, and constructed “All-in-one” imaging -New methods for chemotherapy of nanomaterials. As of July 2020, he has published 143 SCI papers. He has been honored the Global Highly Cited Researcher by Clarivate Analytics for two times), and the Highly Cited Chinese Researcher by Elsevier for four consecutive years from 2016 to 2019, and won the first prize of the 2018 Shanghai Natural Science Award (ranked the second).

(Researcher Chen Zhigang (second from the left) on the site of the award ceremony,)

The selection of Shanghai Young Talent in Science and Technology is conducted by the Shanghai Science and Technology Association and the Shanghai Science and Technology Development Foundation, aiming at praising and rewarding outstanding young scientific and technical workers in various fields. The award selection has been conducted once every two years since 2002. Since the 7th edition, the awards have been divided into three categories: basic research, achievement transformation, and enterprise innovation, with no more than 10 awardees in each category.