A Team Led by Yu Jianyong Attends 2020 Ningbo Fashion Festival to Deepen Cooperation With All Parties
post date: 2020-10-29 counts: 666

On October 22, at the invitation of the People’s Government of Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province, a team led by President Yu Jianyong attended the opening ceremony of the 2020 Ningbo Fashion Festival and the 24th Ningbo International Fashion Exhibition, and visited Peacebird Group Co., Ltd. Other leaders and guests attending the event included Gao Xingfu, vice governor of Zhejiang Province, Qiu Dongyao, deputy Party secretary and mayor of Ningbo, Chen Dapeng, vice president of China Textile Industry Federation and President of China Garment Association. Heads of related departments and schools such as the Scientific Research Institute, Development & Liaison Office, President's Office, and Fashion & Art Design School attended the opening ceremony and inspection activities.

The grand opening ceremony of the 2020 Ningbo Fashion Festival and the 24th Ningbo International Fashion Exhibition was held at the Peacebird Fashion Center. This year’s event was co-hosted by the China Textile Industry Federation, Ningbo Municipal People’s Government, and Department of Economy and Information Technology of Zhejiang Province. Themed on “New Enabling Ways Both Online and Offline to Construct Industrial Chain”, the event aimed at carrying forward fashion culture, pooling fashion resource, advocating fashion concept, shaping fashion brand and promoting the development of high quality fashion industry. Considering DHU’s academic advantages in fashion and its in-depth cooperation with Ningbo local government and enterprises, President of DHU was invited to attend the Festival. Yu Jianyong fully communicated with provincial and municipal leaders on issues about the cooperation between university and local government, and went to Ningbo International Convention and Exhibition Center for pavilion tour.

(Yu Jianyong and Zhang Jiangping signing a strategic cooperation agreement)

At the opening ceremony, Yu Jianyong and Zhang Jiangping, chairman of Ningbo Peacebird Group Co., Ltd., signed a strategic cooperation agreement. The two parties will establish a long-term, close and win-win strategic partnership in the fields of new textile materials and new technologies, introduction of domestic and foreign experts, cutting-edge technology research, industrial application project cooperation, and high-end industry talent training, etc., based on the industry-university-research innovation cooperation mechanism, so as to achieve goals of development and application of technology in the cooperation field, resource information sharing, resource optimization and mutual development.

Peacebird Group Co., Ltd is a consumer-centric fashion brand retailer. Being listed on the main board of Shanghai Stock Exchange in 2017, its retail sales has exceeded 10 billion yuan for three consecutive years. Peacebird has more than 4,500 offline stores, and over 40 million members and fans, which is currently a leading fashion apparel brand in China. The company has a strong connection with DHU. As early as 2001 when Peacebird Women was founded, it set up a R&D and design center in DHU, providing plenty of professional practice opportunities for students of Fashion & Art Design School. In return, the School has also provided talent and intellectual support for the company’s development. Both the company’s chief executive officer (CEO) Chen Hongchao and chief strategy officer (CSO) Ou Limin are excellent graduates from DHU.