“One Belt One Road” Doctoral Technology Innovation and Incubation Forum Held
post date: 2020-08-20 counts: 648

        On August 20, “One Belt One Road” China-Portugal, China-Europe High-level Talents International Conference on Technological Innovation and Incubation, “One Belt One Road” Doctoral Technology Innovation and Incubation Forum and Launching Ceremony of China-Portugal, China-Spain High-level Talent Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition were held in ShangChuangHui Donghua University Students Innovation and Entrepreneurship Incubator Base through remote online conference. Vice President Li Wei attended and delivered a speech.

Li Wei, on behalf of Donghua University, welcomed the experts and professors attending the conference, and wished it a complete success. She reviewed the cooperative development process of Lisbon University Institute and our university under the “One Belt One Road” framework. She said that DHU responded to the “One Belt One Road” initiative actively. In 2018, DHU jointly established “One Belt One Road” World Textile University Alliance with 33 textile universities in 18 countries. It was currently the largest organization with the most participating world textile universities, covering the most countries alongside “One Belt One Road”. Based on relevant national policies, DHU was building up an information transfer platform for new technology of “One Belt One Road” countries and areas, providing comprehensive service for innovation and incubation, promoting the combination of industry, education and research, and technological innovation, and cultivating new economic growth points.

The conference was the fruit of cooperative development of Chinese and Portuguese universities and researchers, and students and academics in Portugal, aiming to probe into the theme of innovation, entrepreneurship and cooperative development under the “One Belt One Road” framework. 12 experts were invited to give speeches on 3 dimensions of channel and experience of technological innovation incubation of Chinese and Portuguese universities, construction of “One Belt One Road” technological innovation incubation platform, and innovative and technological transformation of Chinese and Portuguese high-level talents, including Virginia Trigo and Nelson Antonio, Professors of Business College of Lisbon University Institute; Pedro Sebastião, Professor of ISCET-MIT Innovation Incubator; Ma Ying, Researcher and Doctoral Supervisor of College of Life Science of University of Coimbra; Zhao Mingwei, Director of International Cooperation Department of DHU; Liu Chunyan, Secretary of the General Party Branch of the Industrial Alliance of DHU; Chen Ke, Vice President of DHU Press; Tao Kangle, Director of the Office of DHU National Science Park; Fu Ting of College of Fashion and Design; and Shi Hao, Researcher of ISCTE Business Innovation Institute, Chinese scholar in Portugal, and President of Chinese student federation in Portugal.

(Conference Site)

The experts attending the conference carried out in depth discussion on scientific and technological innovation and cooperation, connection of university incubators, laws and regulations regarding to technology transfer between China and Europe, and training of scientific and technological talents and academic exchanges under the “One Belt One Road” framework. At the conference, Shi Hao, Researcher of Business Innovation Institute of Lisbon University Institute, and President of Chinese student federation in Portugal, and Xu Xiaodong, GM of DHU Science Park, jointly announced the official launch of China-Portugal, China-Spain High-level Talent Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition.

It was known that the project of Shanghai Science and Technology Commission of 2019 “Science and Technology Innovation Action Plan” “One Belt One Road” International Cooperation Platform was based on the framework agreement signed by Lisbon University Institute and our university in 2018. Guided by “One Belt One Road” spirit, it helped with carrying out teaching and research cooperation between China and Portugal, establishing linkage mechanism of scientific research and talent training between the two universities, advancing the connection of national science park of the two universities, promoting the research of science and technology transformation, and building the incubation platform of science and technology innovation of fashion life. It was also to promote the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, incubate related enterprises, and cultivate innovative and entrepreneurial talents between China and Portugal, and China and Europe. The attendees took the conference as an opportunity to sum up the experience and expand the results of cooperation, contributing more to the collaborative innovation and common development under the “One Belt One Road” framework.


Source: College of Fashion and Art Design

Editor: Gao Kun, Writer: Zhou Yunwen,

Photographer: Zhou Shuoni