Three Majors of DHU Have Passed the Professional Certification of Engineering Education
post date: 2020-07-08 counts: 766

Recently, the Ministry of Education issued “the Notice on Publishing the List of Majors That Have Passed the Engineering Education Certification in 2019”, which officially announced that Mechanical Engineering of our university had passed the certification for the first time, Textile Engineering the second time, and Environmental Engineering the fourth time, all of which are valid for 6 years (from January 2020 to December 2025).

In recent years, our university has made great efforts to strengthen the management of undergraduate teaching quality, clarifying the core position of professional certification in the construction of quality culture, and formulating “the Implementation Plan of DHU on Accelerating the Professional Certification of Engineering Education”, “the Detailed Rules for Professional Certification of DHU”, and “the Detailed Rules for Independent Professional Certification of DHU”. So far, there are 7 majors that have passed the National Professional Certification of Engineering Education, including Mechanical Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Textile Engineering, Automation, Polymer Materials and Engineering, Clothing Design and Engineering, and Building Environment and Energy Application Engineering. The applications of 3 majors for 2020 engineering education certification have been accepted, including Composite Materials and Engineering, Inorganic Non-metallic Materials Engineering, and Software Engineering. 4 non-engineering majors including Japanese, Finance, E-commerce, and Optoelectronic Information Science and Engineering have passed the independent certification of our university. The core certification concept of “student centered, output oriented, and continuous improvement guided” has been integrated into the daily teaching and management of the staff. Based on this concept, the whole university actively reorganizes and adjusts the professional training programs, so that the training objectives can be more clearly defined and the major characteristics can be brought into play to the social needs.

Our university will continue to implement the spirit of National Education Conference, speed up the construction of high-level undergraduate education, and comprehensively improve the ability of talent training. We will continue to consolidate the education quality assurance system with professional certification as the core, do a solid job in talent training, and continuously improve the education level.

(Source: Office of Academic Affairs)