Graduation Ceremony of 2020 International Students Held
post date: 2020-07-16 counts: 1045

On July 9, the graduation ceremony of 2020 international students of our university was held in Yan'an Road Campus. 87 doctors, masters and undergraduates from 35 countries had completed their studies. They would say goodbye to their Alma Mater and start a new journey of life. Yu Jianyong, President of DHU and Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, attended the graduation ceremony. 27 graduates attended the ceremony on site, while 60 graduates who had already returned to their own country attended the graduation ceremony through the Internet.

(Yu Jianyong Addressed the Graduates)

Yu Jianyong affectionately addressed all the graduates, and awarded the graduation certificate and degree to the graduates on site. Yu expressed his warm congratulations to the graduates from all over the world, and expected that they would return to their hometown or leave for every corner of the world with what they had learned in DHU, in China, and their experience of life, the world and the country in the vivid graduation lesson of the epidemic, to create and write a new chapter of their life. He put forward three expectations for the graduates: first, strive to become an open-minded fighter of the new era with the courage to take responsibilities. Only when you have faith in your heart can you go far ahead. With a broad international vision, set up a more magnificent social ideal, apply what you have learned, and fight for the well-being of all mankind. Second, be an ambassador of cultural exchange for mutual progress. No matter where you are in the future, pass on the friendship of the Chinese people and be kind to others. Join hands to contribute to promoting communication among people and the construction of a community of common destiny for all mankind. Third, be a spokesperson of DHU around the world, bearing the imprint of the culture, spirit and character of Donghua, and create more value for the society and the world.

(Foreign Teacher Anselm Vermeulen Sent His Wishes to the Students)

Anselm Vermeulen, a foreign teacher from the Netherlands and Shanghai Magnolia Awards winner, addressed affectionately to the graduates and encouraged them to pursue their dreams boldly. No matter what career path they chose, he hoped that the learning experience in DHU could guide them to become responsible, hardworking and creative persons. No matter where they were, they should never forget that DHU would always be proud of them.

(Speeches by Representatives of the Graduates)

Kang Botian (German), a postgraduate of International Business, Karl (Cameroonian), an undergraduate of International Economics and Trade, and Quan Meiting (Korean), an undergraduate of Chinese language, made speeches in succession to thank their Alma Mater and teachers for the painstaking cultivation, and recalled the wonderful moments of university life. They said that the various activities in the university had enhanced their abilities and talents, and the care for international students during the epidemic period made them feel the warmth of home. After several years studying in DHU, they had harvested comprehensive improvement. In their future work, they would always remember that they had studied in China and been guided and helped by Chinese teachers and classmates. They would make use of their professional knowledge gained in their Alma Mater and the deep friendship they had established with Chinese and foreign teachers and students, to develop their own career with ceaseless efforts, and return the opportunity of further study in China and the cultivation of teachers from their Alma Mater with excellent results.

(Photo of Yao Weixin and the Graduates Participating in the Online Ceremony)

The graduation ceremony was held online simultaneously. Professor Yao Weixin, Dean of International Cultural Exchange School, connected with the graduates participating in the ceremony online, which made it happen that they could take their own unique cloud graduation group photo in their own country, and felt the sincere blessing of their Alma Mater. Li Binrong, Secretary of the General Party Branch of the Colleges, attended the ceremony and announced the list of outstanding graduates of 2020 international students.

(Source: International Cultural Exchange School