Blessing from Partner Institutions at Home and Abroad During the Fight Against the Epidemic
post date: 2020-03-10 counts: 599

The COVID-19 epidemic outbroke at the beginning of 2020. Facing the ordeal, people from the whole country were united and devoted to fight the epidemic war. At the same time, many of our partner institutes at home and abroad sent their concern and sympathy, and cheered us up in various ways. The concern, support and blessing from all over the world reflected the deep friendship between overseas partner institutes and our university, and brought us strength and confidence to fight and get through the epidemic.

The Confucius Institute of Moi University, jointly established by Donghua University and Moi University in Kenya, is the world's first Confucius Institute with textile and clothing characteristics. Although thousands of miles away, teachers and students of the Confucius Institute at Moi University paid close attention to the epidemic and recorded a blessing video “Come on Wuhan! Come on China!” to support Wuhan and pray for China. Professor Thomas Kipkurgat, Foreign Affair Director of the Confucius Institute at Moi University and President of Rivatex East Africa Limited said in the video that they have a very close cooperative relationship with China and that they are always with the Chinese people.”

(Teachers and students of the Confucius Institute of Moi University cheer for China)


Teachers and students of Novisad University of Serbia, who have a 7-hour time difference from us, specially recorded a video to cheer for their Chinese friends in Chinese. Our university has been cooperating with Novisad University for many years, and receives a number of international and exchange students from Serbia every year. The person who is in a black suit and speaks fluent Chinese is Nikola Zivlak, a doctoral student who graduated from Donghua University in 2013. He had taught in International Cultural Exchange School for five years after graduation, and now serves as Vice President of the Belt and Road Research Center of Serbia.

(Teachers and students of Novisad University of Serbia cheer for China)


The University of Edinburgh is one of the important partner institutions of our university. Since 2014, we have cooperated with them in running Shanghai international College of Fashion and Innovation ▪ Donghua University (SCF). Juliette MacDonald, International Dean of SCF and former dean of Edinburgh College of Art of the University of Edinburgh, filmed a video with teachers of Edinburgh College of Art, conveying care and blessing to Chinese friends.

(Teachers of Edinburgh College of Art cheer for China)


In addition to recording warm videos, many partner institutes have sent their sympathy by e-mail. Guillermo Cisneros Pérez, President of the Technical University of Madrid, said in the letter that they were willing to provide any help in the plight of the COVID-19 epidemic. He promised to take good care of students and scholars from China, and set up a special fund to help exchange students from both sides to cope with the changes brought about by the epidemic.

Professor Isaac N. Kimengi, President of Moi University, wrote a special letter to convey sympathy to China and Chinese people for the pain and loss suffered in the novel coronavirus epidemic. He expressed condolences to the anti-epidemic medical staff on the front line, and praised the active and effective work of Chinese government in controlling the epidemic and treating patients. At the same time, he reviewed the contacts between Moi University and Donghua University, as well as the help provided by the Chinese Embassy and Donghua University when Moi University was attacked by terrorism.

Many institutions that have been carrying out student exchange programs with us for many years, such as Girton College, Cambridge, University of British Columbia, Nottingham Trent University, UC San Diego, University of Victoria, University of Pennsylvania, Amsterdam International Business School, Reutlingen University, KyungHee University, Chung-Ang University, Okinawa University, Kansai University, etc. have also sent letters to express their sympathy and wish China an early ride through the difficulties.

There are also concern and blessing from the other side of the Strait. President Liang Zhuozhong, Representative of the International and Cross-strait Exchange Office of Dayeh University of Taiwan, expressed his best wishes to the teachers and students of our university, saying that if there was any need, he would try his best to help. He looked forward to the early end of the epidemic.

Love comes from all over the world, crossing mountains and rivers, and finally gathers in one place and says: “We stand firmly together, going through difficulties hand in hand.” Virus is the common enemy of mankind, and China has never been fighting alone. We sincerely thank every warm word and every strong support. We firmly believe that when you hoist the sails to cross the sea, you'll ride the wind and cleave the waves!