Thanks Extended to Our Scientific Research Team by China Nonwovens&Industrial Textiles Association
post date: 2020-05-26 counts: 684

Recently, the team of Professor Jin Xiangyu of College of Textile received a thank-you letter from China Nonwovens and Industrial Textiles Association, which expressed heartfelt thanks to the scientific research team of our university for participating in the formulation of Technical Specifications for Children's Masks.

It is reported that Technical Specifications for Children's Masks (GB/T38880-2020), the first national standards for children's masks formulated by China Nonwovens and Industrial Textiles Association, was officially released on May 6. As the main drafting unit of the standards, our University attached great importance to and actively participated in it. Professor Jin Xiangyu of College of Textile led his team to take part in the formulation of the national standards. They did much in-depth and detailed research work and gave full play to the advantages of the discipline, making a positive contribution to the drafting and release of the standards. The promulgation and implementation of the standards provide technical support for relevant manufacturers of children's masks and theoretical basis for market supervision, and assist consumers to choose suitable children's masks as well.

In addition, on May 27, the 7th public lecture of Online Course on Standards series sponsored by Standard Technology Management Department of State Administration of Market Supervision was successfully held. 1400 persons of enterprises and institutions from all over the country watched it online. Jin Xiangyu, Professor of Nonwovens and Engineering Department of College of Textile of our university, was invited to attend the course and introduced the technology and relevant standards of meltblown in detail. After the live broadcast, he also took part in the online Q&A session. The lecture made full use of the network to do the publicity, matched the actual production needs of enterprises, provided standardized technical support, promoted the standardization of industrial competition, and helped enterprises resume production and prevent from the epidemic scientifically.

(Source: College of Textiles)