Notice on Orderly Return to Work of Faculty and Staff
post date: 2020-02-21 counts: 999

    At present, the prevention and control of the novel coronavirus pneumonia (NCP) epidemic has reached a critical stage. In order to ensure the safety and health of all faculty and staff, and to gradually restore the normal work of the university, Donghua University has made following decisions under the guidance of the Ministry of Education and the Shanghai Education Commission.


To ensure the implementation of online teaching starting from March 2,while continuing the epidemic prevention and control, all colleges and departments shall draw up work plans before February 24, and organize faculty and staff to return to work in order.


All colleges and departments shall pay special attention to faculty and staff in Shanghai, returning to Shanghai and in epidemic-stricken areas, and grasp all related situations clearly. Persons who are still in non-epidemic areas shall make reasonable arrangements to return to Shanghai according to the requirements of the work plans.


For faculty and staff returning to Shanghai, they shall accept home observation or centralized medical isolation for 14 days before going back to work. Persons living off-campus shall strictly follow local regulations on isolation and observation of the epidemic prevention and control. Persons living on campus should strictly follow the “Work Guide to Begin the New Semester for Shanghai Higher Education Institutions and Secondary and Vocational Schools In Light of the Prevention and Control of the Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia Epidemic (Trial)”.


Faculty and staff who have symptoms such as fever, fatigue, dry cough, and diarrhea, etc. shall not come to the university. They shall seek medical treatment timely and report to their colleges or departments, as well as the communities in which they live.

    All faculty and staff shall attach great importance to the epidemic prevention and control. Please cooperate with relevant administrative departments to take protective measures as required, develop good sanitary habits, strengthen self-protection, and return to work, orderly and safe. Please perform duties actively and make contribution to the prevention and control of the epidemic and to the restoration of orderly and normal school life and work.

    Wish you all the best of health and in your work!

    Postdoctoral staff, dispatched personnel, external staff and retirees, etc. Shall also follow this notice.



DHU Leading Group of

NCP Epidemic Prevention and Control

 February 20, 2020