A Letter to All DHU Students, Faculty and Alumni regarding the Novel Coronavirus Outbreak
post date: 2020-02-02 counts: 2025

During this special Spring Festival, the whole Chinese nation is combating the outbreak of the pneumonia caused by the novel coronavirus. A host of measures are being taken by the Chinese Government to curb the epidemic. Every one of us is a part of this battle against the 2019-nCov. My dear students, faculty and alumni, we’d like to remind you of the following:


1. Follow the latest updates on the epidemic through official channels.

Please get updated information on the developments of the epidemic through official channels such as from the news release platforms of Chinese Government and WHO, etc. Please DO NOT share or disseminate unverified information regarding the epidemic. Follow the official websites and WeChat accounts of the University to learn the latest arrangements and measures of DHU regarding epidemic control on campus.


2. Stay alert and strengthen self-protection.

Please master the knowledge of protecting yourselves from the virus including hand and respiratory hygiene, and safe food practices. Wear a surgical mask when going out and dispose of used masks appropriately. Beware of such symptoms as fever, cough, shortness of breath and fatigue, and seek medical care right away at designated hospitals in case of such symptoms. You can check out the list of designated hospitals in Shanghai and their contact information, and look for prevention and treatment guides and other important public notices on the website: http://rg.sgst.cn/xbd/ .


3. Join in the mass prevention and control campaign.

In case of recent visits to affected areas or having contact with people infected, please report to the University as early as possible while closely monitoring your personal health condition. Please support and cooperate with the Government, community or medical staff for health information inquiries and collection. If you arrive in Shanghai from other places, it is suggested you stay at home for a 14-day self-quarantine without attending any meetings, gatherings or group activities.


4. Make a balance between life and work.

Restrain from travels either domestically or abroad. Please stay indoors as much as possible and maintain a healthy lifestyle, making a balance between work, exercise and rest. Regular physical exercise can improve immunity thereby preventing several diseases. Our library’s digitized materials and resources are accessible for you to study and work from home.


The Chinese Government has attached paramount importance to control the epidemic and cares much about the health and safety of all Chinese people and foreign nationals in China. We have full determination, confidence and capability to win this battle as we stay united in solidarity and go through the rough patch together!

International Cooperation Office

Donghua University

Feb. 2nd, 2020