Creative fashion design work of DHU wins awards at World of WearableArt
post date: 2019-10-02 counts: 673

     On September 27, the prize-awarding ceremony of the 31st World of WearableArt (WOW) was held in Wellington, New Zealand. 108 pieces of works by 115 designers from 22 different countries and regions were selected for the finals of the World of WearableArt. The work Huaxia Totem from DHU won championships of the White group and the WETA Studio group respectively. Guided by the teaching team of “Cultivating Fashion Design Talents with International Vision” led by Associate Professor Zhou Honglei of the Fashion • Art Design Institute of Donghua University,

the entries of DHU include Huaxia Totem designed by Sun Ye, Miao Yuxin and Yuan Yu, Kun Feather designed by Xu Ran and The Last Warrior designed by Guo Tianzi. Inspired by Chinese cultural elements and current global environmental and climate issues, the works adopt 3D printing design concept and parametric modeling techniques. In terms of design, Chinese cultural elements are reconstructed and integrated with elements in art, design, science and humanities to represent cultural values.

 (Work Huaxia Totem)


(Work Huaxia Totem)

    Since 2009, the design works of the “Cultivating Fashion Design Talents with International Vision” team have been reported by Xinhua News Agency and New Zealand Wellington Post for multiple times, reflecting our teaching philosophy in creative fashion design and our efforts to train design thinking with global vision.