Professor Cui Yi of Stanford University gives academic report at DHU
post date: 2019-06-14 counts: 1164

On May 8, Cui Yi, an internationally renowned scientist in nanomaterials and professor of Materials Science and Engineering at Stanford University, was invited by the Innovation Center for Textile Science and Technology of Donghua University to give a report on “Nanomaterials Design for Energy, Environment and Textile”.

Professor Cui Yi was received by Jiang Changjun, President of Donghua University, before the report. President Jiang extended a warm welcome to Professor Cui for his arrival and expressed the hope that the cooperation between the two universities be strengthened based on this academic exchange, especially in education and original scientific and technological innovations, thus propelling the scientific research of advanced textile materials and the development of related disciplines.

(Left: Professor Cui Yi; Right: President Jiang Changjun)

(Representatives of two sides)

The report was presided over by Qing Fengling, Vice President of Donghua University. Other participants include Academician Yu Jianyong, Director and chief scientist of the Innovation Center for Textile Science and Technology, heads of the Personnel Office and research institutes and more than 200 teachers and students of Donghua University.

Professor Cui introduced the great application prospects and value of nanostructured materials in energy and environment based on the challenges of global energy and environment. He shared his team's original achievements and industrialization experience in lithium ion battery silicon anode materials, lithium sulfur battery electrode materials, chemical principle of lithium battery, electrocatalytic materials, intelligent temperature-regulating fiber materials, etc. Finally, he deeply interpreted the importance of exploring the core of scientific research based on his own experience.

In the interactive session, Professor Cui patiently answered questions for teachers and students. He encouraged everyone to focus on technology hotspots, accurately grasp the development trend of the times, and effectively carry out scientific research. The wonderful report ended in a long round of applause.

(Professor Cui delivers an academic report)

(Report site)