19 International Conference on Biomedical Textile Materials held in DHU
post date: 2019-06-13 counts: 831

On May 17, the 2019 International Conference on Biomedical Textile Materials (MedTex19 & IFBMTM 2019) was held at Songjiang Campus of Donghua University (DHU). Themed with “Biomedical and Health Textiles - Challenges and Opportunities from Laboratory to Clinical Application”, the Conference focused on hot topics such as the new generation of implanting and intervention medical materials and tissue engineering materials for functional restoration, gathering experts, scholars and representatives from more than 200 universities, enterprises and research institutions in more than 20 countries and regions at home and abroad.

Cui Yunhua, Deputy Party Secretary of DHU, attended the opening ceremony of the Conference. She said in her speech that as biomedical materials are of vital importance to the national economy and people's livelihood, it is hoped that this Conference will serve as an opportunity to build a platform for international cooperation and exchanges in the field of biomedical materials.

(Cui Yunhua delivers a speech)

Professor Wang Lu, Executive Chairman of this Conference and Director of the Key Laboratory of Textile Science & Technology, Ministry of Education, acted as the host of the opening ceremony. She introduced the 11-year history of the conference as well as the situation of this Conference. Martin W. KING, Chairman of the Academic Committee of this Conference and Professor of the University of North Carolina, explained the meaning of this year's theme and the main research direction. Later, 29 well-known experts and scholars engaged in biomedical research from 21 universities or research institutes in 11 countries, including Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Dankook University of South Korea, National University of Singapore, and University of Angers, gave lectures, expressing opinions on and discussing the hot issues in biomedical textile research, such as the interaction mechanism between textile materials and organisms, and the functionality and safety of medical textile materials in clinical applications.

(Academician Jin-Ho Choy from Dankook University gives a report)

(Academician Seeram Ramakrishna from the National University of Singapore gives a report)

A new section of Innovative Product Competition was established in this Conference, which was aimed to guide researchers to focus more on scientific research and innovation, promoting effective transformation of products from laboratory to clinical application. Following the fine traditions, this Conference encourages young teachers and students to partake in oral presentations, scientific art exhibitions and poster presentations.

(Science and Art Photo Exhibition)

(Innovative Product Competition)

As the top academic conference in the field of biomedical textile materials, this Conference involves various academic activities, offering a platform for researchers to conduct multidisciplinary dialogues and exchanges, enhancing the discipline construction of biomedical textiles, and providing new opportunities for training high-level talents.

It has been the 12th time for DHU to host the serial International Conference on Biomedical Textile Materials. The successful convening of this Conference successfully enhanced the influence of DHU in the discipline of biomedical textile materials. In the future, DHU will continue to promote international interdisciplinary exchanges and cooperation and strengthen research on key issues in this field, striving to realize the transformation from laboratory samples to commercial products to clinical supplies.