President Isaac Kosgei of Moi University Attends the 2018 Joint Conference of Confucius Institutes in Africa
post date: 2018-06-13 counts: 1008



The 2018 Joint Conference of Confucius Institutes in Africa (“Joint Conference”) opened in Maputo, the Capital of Mozambique, on May 14 (local time). Li Zhanshu, Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress, in the company of Macamo, Speaker of Mozambique, attended the opening ceremony and delivered a speech.

The two-day Joint Conference focused on issues such as “innovation and characteristics development of Confucius Institutes”, “improving the quality of school running” and “strengthening the cooperation and experience sharing of Confucius Institutes”, where the participants shared the cases and held group discussions. Isaac Kosgei, President of Moi University, Huang Peixi, Chinese Director of the Confucius Institute at Moi University, and Peter Simatei, Foreign Director of the Confucius Institute at Moi University, were present at the Joint Conference.

Representatives from the Confucius Institute at Moi University

President Kosgei made a case sharing report entitled “Characteristic Development and Reform and Innovation - Development Path of the Characteristic Confucius Institute at Moi University”. By introducing the featured projects including “Sino-Africa International Symposium on Textiles and Apparel,” “Advanced Seminars for Textile Industry” and “Textile Exhibitions and Fashion Shows,” as well as the improvement and innovation of each project, he stated the path of innovation and development practiced by the Confucius Institute at Moi University based on its own strengths and characteristics. The report was warmly received by the participants.

President Kosgei delivered a speech and

talked with guests during the recess

       At the group discussions, President Kosgei exchanged opinions with the representatives concerning the technical training and cooperation of the Confucius Institute at Moi University as well as issues such as construction of teachers’ team, applicationof work visa and infrastructure constructionconfronted by the Institute in the process ofdevelopment.

Moi representatives at the group discussions

President Kosgei made a speech

      According to figures, the Joint Conference gathered more than 300 representatives, including Chinese and foreign presidents and directors from over 60 Confucius Institutes and classrooms in 41 countries of Africa, and representatives of Chinese and African companies and institutions.

     The Joint Conference was hosted by Confucius Institutes Headquarter (Hanban) and organized by Eduardo Mondlane University.