Consuls of French Consulate General in Shanghai Visits DHU
post date: 2018-04-11 counts: 1031

On October 24, Educational Consul Fabien Chareix and Cultural Consul Paul Freches of the French Consulate General in Shanghai visited Donghua University (DHU) in the companyof Vice President Liu Chunhong of DHU, Director Han Zheyu of Shanghai Greater Donghua Fashion and Innovation Center, and Vice Director Zhao Mingwei of International Cooperation Office.

Vice President Liu firstextended a warmwelcometo Fabien Chareix and Paul Freches, and introduced the achievements made by DHU ininternationalcommunicationandfashioninnovation. She also expressed the hope that the two sides willstrengthenthecooperationineducation, fashionandculture, so as to boostcommondevelopment. Director Han thenbriefedtheplanninglayout, developmentideas and achievements of DHU in internationalfashionideas, as well as thefruitfulresults made by Shanghai Promotion Center for City of Fashion inpropelling the developmentoffashioncreativeindustry.

Subsequently, Fabien Chareix and Paul Freches briefedtheparticipants on the 1st “China-France Fashion Event tobelaunchednextspringrespectively from theperspectiveofeducationandculturalexchange as well as the preparationwork. They saidthatwith Shanghai as the mostmatureplatformfor fashiondesignin China and thefinetraditions and richpartnershipresourceskept by DHU in fashioneducation, itishoped that the cooperationwith DHU and Shanghai Promotion Center for City of Fashion this time will be conducivetobroaderbilateralcooperation, eitherinfields or dimensions.

Inaddition, the two sides had anin-depthdiscussionconcerningthe future cooperation and talentcultivation, culturalexchange and industrypromotioninfashioncreativefields, which is aimed to exploreandestablisha new modeof Sino-French cooperationinfashionandcreativeindustry, and tobuildaplatformforexchangeandcooperation in education, cultureandeconomy, thus deepeningtheinteractionanddevelopmentofrelatedindustries.