ETRO’s Creative Director Kean Etro Delivers a Lecture at DHU
post date: 2018-04-11 counts: 638

On October 19, the Creative Director Kean Etro of the ETRO Men’s Collections arrived at Donghua University, at the invitation of Fashion • Art Design Institute, to make a lecture titled “The Journey Is The Destination”.

The perfection integration of the creativity of the designer and the uninhibited personality of the brand featuring Paisley Pattern can be fully perceived from the lecture. In the subsequent interaction, Mr. Kean patiently answered students’ questions around designer suggestions, design inspiration and brand philosophy, and also presented them gifts such as brand notebooks autographed by him. Finally, Ms. Alessandra Tirolo, Director of International PR at ETRO, launched the collection event of commemorative works oriented at Donghua designers for the 50th anniversary of ETRO Brand, the winners of which will be able to attend the anniversary event in Milan and their selected works will be put into production as “50th anniversary” limited edition. After the speech, Mr. Kean visited the Shanghai Museum of Textile and Costume, where he presented a piece of classic ETRO clothing for exchange and learning.

It is learnt that more cooperation and teaching activities will be carried out between ETRO and DHU and this lecture is the first event preceding more “DHU × Top Brand” series lectures.