Job fair for international students held in Donghua
post date: 2017-04-28 counts: 1550

《Shanghai Daily》By Yang Meiping



DONGHUA University held its first large-scale job fair for international students on Tuesday with about 50 companies offering 150 internships and full-time jobs, attracting about 400 students.

“China has included retaining outstanding international students into its talent strategy to  boost economic development and facilitate cultural communication with other countries,” said Wu Xiaojun, vice dean of the International Cultural Exchange School of Donghua. “We will do our best to help international students settle down in Shanghai and China.”

The university also established an International Student Center for Career Development on Tuesday to provide policy consultation and guidance in looking for jobs or starting up their own businesses.

Aalina Shenderivk, a Russian student learning Chinese at Donghua, told Shanghai Daily that she was in her second year of bachelor program and wanted to find some internship in local companies so as to know better about Shanghai.

“I would like to stay in Shanghai after graduation as I think there are more opportunities here  than in my homeland,” she said. “I have some advantages as I know both Chinese and Russian cultures and I’m also learning business in Russia during vocations.”

Rock Wang, recruitment and training manager of the Meorient International Exhibition Co, said they were very interested in international students as their business is expanding in the world.

“International students can help us better communicate with companies in their homelands with not only fluent languages, but also understanding of the native cultures and rules,” he said.

The company offered 14 internship positions in seven foreign languages and students could work full-time after graduation if they perform well, he added.

(Students apply for jobs at a job fair in Donghua University Tuesday. -- Ti Gong)