DHU Team Won the Championship of University Group in38th OMChina Finals
post date: 2017-03-27 counts: 775

On February 25, the 38th Odyssey of the Mind (OM) China Finals kicked off at the High School Affiliated to Shanghai University, gathering 450 teams from universities, primary and secondary schools and kindergartens of China’s 14 provinces and cities as well as 4 teams from Germany and South Korea.

The DHU Team is composed of students Guo Qiuyan, Xu Cheng, Yan Yilin, Gan Shuwen, Xu Meiting, Wu Ainong from Fashion • Art Design Institute and Wu Feiqiao from Glorious Sun School of Business and Management. The Team members concentrated themselves in over three months of preparation and maximized their imagination and creativity in the contest. After two days of competition, the Team led by teacher Pang Bingliang from the College of Foreign Language tackled the problem of “Suspense of Super Hero,” winning the first place of the university group, and will attend the world finals in U.S. in May.

It is learnt that DHUOM Club has harvested fruitful achievements since its establishment, for instance, winning national championship for three consecutive years, 4th place in 2015 world finals and 3rd place in 2016 finals. OM activitieshave been in China for 30 years and in 2015 the quantity of China’s participating teams in world finalsbecamethesecondlargest, only next to U.S.

OM activities are attracting more and more students to participate and arousing much attention from schools and parents. “Two spirits are the priority in OM activities - innovation and team,” said Chen Weixin, Executive Chairman of Shanghai China OM Association. “Not only students are encouraged to daydream and to be different, but also the more unique the answerthey give, the more possible for them to get high score.” OM is not only a game, but also a culture. While focusing on cultivating students’ innovative spirit, team spirit and practical capability, OM activities are also aimed at encouraging students to care for others, society and nature, and enhance their social sense of responsibility.