Shanghai Promotion Conference of Fashion City Construction Held in DHU
post date: 2017-03-27 counts: 1186

In the afternoon of January 22, Shanghai Promotion Conference of Fashion City Construction was held at the Yan’an Road campus, Donghua University (DHU). Zhou Bo, a member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Shanghai Committee and Vice Mayor of Shanghai, Wang Tiankai, Counselor of China National Textile and Apparel Council (CNTAC), Chen Dapeng, Vice Chairman of CNTAC, Gu Honghui, Party Committee Deputy Secretary and District Chief of Changning District of Shanghai, Chen Yuehua, leader of Shanghai Economic and Informatization Commission, Tong Jisheng, Chairman of Shanghai Textile (Group) Co., Ltd., Zhu Min, Chairman of DHU University Committee, and Jiang Changjun, President of DHU, together with other relevant officials, attended the conference presided over by Liu Chunhong, Vice President of DHU.


Zhu Min, on behalf of DHU, expressed a warm welcome to leaders, experts and industry representatives present at the conference. He said that the newly established “Shanghai Promotion Center for City of Fashion” will serve as a government assistant, university window and a bridge linking government, production, learning, research and application and focus on the development of national cultural industry and the construction of Shanghai as a fashion city to constantly integrate the power of all parties while giving full play to role of advantageous disciplines and talent highland, thereby accelerating the construction of fashion city.


Chen Dapeng pointed out in his speech that with the establishment of the promotion center, Shanghai has another strategic platform to promote the development of fashion industry, the integration of fashion resources and creation of fashion events, which is of great significance for Shanghai to further promote the development of fashion culture and creative industries and to build a harmonious innovative ecosystem. He also said that CNTAC will, as always, attach great importance to the construction of Shanghai as a fashion capital, and actively promote the relevant cooperation and coordination.


Zhou Bo and Wang Tiankai unveiled the “Shanghai Promotion Center for City of Fashion.”Since December 2015 when the center was formally registered, it has guided and supported “2016 Shanghai Fashion International Forum” and a series of academic lectures such as “Qipao Culture.” In future, it will, based on its self-positioning, engage in its core business activities, including publishing Shanghai White Paper for Construction of City of Fashion and fashion index, holding seasonal activities of fashion and creative city, carrying out fashion innovation contest “Up Style Award,” organizing appraisal and selection of fashion figures, fashion products andfashion brands, aiming to provide strong support for the construction of fashion city.


(Shanghai Promotion Center for City of Fashion unveiled)


“Public Service Platform of Shanghai Promotion Center for City of Fashion” and the first “Up Style Award” were officially launched at the conference. The public service platform will, on the basis of all-media system (website, WeChat and Weibo),collect a variety of fragmented resources topreliminarily build a clear-cut and easy-to-use platform, so that relevant parties can utilize various resources more effectively and make concerted efforts. Theglobal fashion innovation contest “UpStyle Award” is the first global scientific and technological innovation contest in the fashion field. The purport of this contest is “gathering global wisdom, promoting fashion design, leading intelligent innovation and sharing sci-tech life,” striving to join the rank of world-class fashion design awards, just like Red Dot Design Award, IF and IDEA.


(Public Service Platform of Shanghai Promotion Center for City of Fashion and first “Up Style Award” launched)


Jiang Changjun introduced the history and recent developments of DHU andelaborated the main thoughts and ideas of DHU in compliance with construction requirements of “Double First-rate” during the period of “Thirteenth Five-Year Plan.”He also reported the overall construction status of DHU fashioninnovationhighland, introduced the phased achievements including Shanghai International College of Fashion and Innovation, Shanghai International Fashion Innovation Center, Shanghai Greater Donghua Fashion and Innovation Center and Shanghai Promotion Center for City of Fashion, and hoped that Shanghai will lay more emphasis ontheconstruction of design disciplines, government special fund support and key project layout of innovation center, drawing various social powers to be involved in the construction of fashion city.