PhD Candidate Liu Kaixuan Awarded Gold Medal in 2016 International Fair of Inventions and Practical Ideas
post date: 2016-11-29 counts: 931

    The INVENT – INVEST 2016 | International Fair of Inventions and Practical Ideas was held between 15 and 18 of September in Romania. Nearly a thousand people from Britain, France, Russia, Slovenia, Croatia, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Romania and other countries participated in the Fair. “A Mixed Human Body Modeling Method Based On 3D Body Scanning” invented by Liu Kaixuan, PhD Candidate from Fashion • Art Design Institute, stood out from over 200 inventions and was honored with diploma of excellence & gold medal.



The invention of “A Mixed Human Body Modeling Method Based On 3D Body Scanning” brings a fast and feasible solution for 3D virtual human body model employed in clothing industry. The technology makes it possible to construe a vivid 3D human body model with skeleton merely based on front and side face photos and point cloud data of 3D body scanning. The model is applicable to 3D fashion design, development of 3D clothing pattern, 3D virtual catwalk and some other fields, solving the modeling problem of 3D virtual human body model for clothing industry.


   Both sides of gold medal

 Fashion • Art Design Institute of Donghua University attaches great importance to the exchange with foreign institutions in cultivation of PhD candidates, due to which quite a number of f PhD candidates are sent to US and European countries for learning. While tutored by Prof. Wang Jianping from Fashion • Art Design Institute, Liu Kaixuan is also striving for the doctoral degree of Université Lille 1 under the guidance of Prof. Xianyi ZENG in France. Dual-doctorate joint cultivation program broadens the approach for doctoral education and improves the education quality as well.

Mixed human body modeling technology


  Mixed human body modeling technology