DonghuaUniversity holds the 8th Model United Nations
post date: 2016-11-29 counts: 890

    The 8th Donghua University Model United Nations (DHMUN) hosted by the College of Foreign Language was held at Yan’an Road campus from November 18 to 20. Liu Chunhong, Vice President of Donghua University, Lisbet Quesada LUNA, Consul General of Cuba in Shanghai, Richard Krpac, Consul General of the Czech Republic in Shanghai,Eu-niz Chen, Consul General of Australia in Shanghai and Andre Peter C.Estanislao, Vice Consul of Philippines in Shanghai, attended the opening ceremony.



 Liu Chunhong delivered a speech at the ceremony. She said that Donghua University has always highlighted the cultivation of students’ international horizon. The DHMUN serves as a platform for students from various institutions to express their views with respect to international hot issues, which is of great help to broaden their international vision.


    The 8th DHMUN gathered students from 34 domestic and overseas institutions such as Donghua University, University of Macau, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology and University of Indonesia, who played the role as chairman, country representatives and journalistsrespectively to discuss politics and hot issues. The student representatives made their country standpoints clear through the phases of debate, discussion and document writing,which improved their abilities of communication, data collection and writing and rendered them to be acquainted with international affairs and UN operation process. Lisbet Quesada LUNA stated that MUN enables the students to learn the function and operation process of diplomatic mechanism, laying a foundation for possible diplomatic career in future.


    This MUN’s system is based on 3 English committees (United Nations Human Rights Council, World Tourism Organization, Economic and Financial Affairs Committee), 2 Chinese committees (Historical Security Council and Disarmament and International Security Committee) and a Main Press Center engaged in press conferences and reports. The Human Rights Council focused on the harm to women by war, World Tourism Organization on the influence on tourism imposed by terrorist attacks and Economic and Financial Affairs Committee on the theft of African resources. The journalists were responsible for reporting and analyzing these focuses. The Historical Security Council took Indian and Pakistan conflict as the topic while Disarmament and International Security Committee tried to make proposals concerning the post-war legacy weapons.


    DHMUN is one of the characteristic brand activities implemented by College of Foreign Language for the purpose of cultivating high-level application talents. In recent two years, DHMUN has embarked on the exploration of cooperation model featuring international cross-border education, striving to make contributions to the development of Donghua University.